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looking for the perfect time and temp


New member
I guess you could say I kind of inherited this store and all its pizza amenities. Including the oven. Its a double oven, and recently the bottom oven went out. I got “a guy”, he replaced a valve, fiddled some wires, and told me it was actually made it 1978 and installed into the store in 1988. And ever since then it just feels like the food isn’t cooking as well as it could be. The top oven is at 540 for 6:50, and the bottom is set at 490 for 7:10. Though I do have classical culinary training and experience, I feel kind of deficit in the pizza department. Any suggestions?!?
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Our two ovens (also MM) do not run at the same temp setting either. My solution is to stick with a 7 minute bake and adjust the temp for each oven so the pies come out right.
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