Looking for users of Canada Post Unaddressed Admail


Staff member
Hi Folks:

I am looking for folks that use Canada Post Unaddressed Admail…

In talking with Canada Post recently I was left with the impression that if a group could be put together individual members could gain some benefit of lower rates…I know that both realtors and large pizza chains pay 9.2 cents versus starting rate of 15.4 cents…Might take some doing to get to 9.2 cents but maybe as a group we can gain a couple cents…

So if you use this service and care to share your annual volume of mailings with me, I can approach Canada Post and see where it goes…

Royce Schmidt
[email protected]
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We’re fairly low volume but growing quickly, we do about 50-75k per annum hoping to increase that to 120k this coming year.

Also you can save 5% by setting up your order online with a venture card.

-edit: 50-75k was fliers per annum, not sales
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Just noticed Canada Post has a special “Trial Offer” on Unaddressed Admail…8 cents a piece…Sounds like it is for new users only…The website did not provide much information…Will have to call on Monday…
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Just noticed Canada Post has a special “Trial Offer” on Unaddressed Admail…8 cents a piece…Sounds like it is for new users only…The website did not provide much information…Will have to call on Monday…
Will be checking this out, thats a 50% cheaper!
Thanks for the heads up Royster.
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