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Lost of parking space


New member
Hi everyone, merry christmas. I have a new neighbor in front of my store, he is a Dr. and have a contract with the goverment, he is very busy and now everyone park hours in front of our business, the street is free for everyone to park, so now I dont have parking space for my clients the whole day, we open the business @ 3pm to 9pm because the parking problem and its a great business, we dont have parking lots near, just thinking begining a delivery service and close the business for dine in only carry out and delivery. I will apreciate any ideas. Thanks.
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I have 1 parking spot right in front of my door with a sign that states “pizza pickup parking only”. Does it work? Sometimes. I will see people pull up and then pull out after they see the sign but other times people will still park there and go into the hair salon next door only to return 2 hours later. It really pi**es my wife off but like I told her, they may be parking in our spot and going to the hair salon but they may also be one of our customers that orders every week.
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