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Lots of decisions: 1st: Oven


New member
Hello everybody,

like i told in my introducion-thread: we are moving to a bigger location.

Actually we are doing up to 4k in busy nights in an electric OEM brand (italy) double deck oven (24*36 in baking surface)

While electricity is ridiculousy expensive (0.29 € / kw/h) i want to switch to a gas fired one.
Here is a 36 * 24" oven called “huge”. 🙂 So i decided to buy some equip in the U.S. where the good stuff comes from. I dont want to switch to conveyor. Customers here love the craftmanship operating the oven. They love to see the sweaty baker working hard for their handmade pie.

Here is what i have learned, read, studied…

Bakers Pride Y Series:
Pros: Powerful 120.000 BTU, adjustable top bottom heat balance (working well?), cheap
cons: probably more hotspots than Marsall

Pros: Powerful, less hotspots (really?? ), less turning, available in more designs
cons: no top bottom heat balance


Same as PB ?


They didn’t give me a quote. I expect them as expensive and to much “sigfried and roy.”

Any thoughts?

Whats important for us?

Actually we are bakin a thin crust pie in something what is called “pizzablech” like a pan. I don’t know why, but 95 % of german delco pizza shops do that. I want to get more real and bake on the hearth. Important is that i can ensure a well balanced controlled bake with less turnings as possible. Does the BP Adjustment bring the benefit it promises?

Reliability is not an issue at these ovens i read so far. They are mechanic workhorses.

Thanks in advance 🙂
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I would love to own a Garland. 192,000 BTUS. I currently have a Blodgett double deck 961p. It works fantastic, especially for a store only doing $3000 a week. Its only 100,000 BTUS between the both. And Blodgetts look cooler than Bakers Pride. But Bakers pride have more BTUS. But Garlands look cool plus more BTUS then any of them out there. Plus they are only $13,000
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May I suggest you consider a conveyor oven.

I have a video in which Papa John tells how when I switched him from decks his shop went from being able to do $1,000.00 per evening to being able to do $ 1,000.00 per hour.

Having a great product is important but you need the capacity to produce large numbers fast.

George Mills
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May I suggest you consider a conveyor oven.

I have a video in which Papa John tells how when I switched him from decks his shop went from being able to do $1,000.00 per evening to being able to do $ 1,000.00 per hour.

Having a great product is important but you need the capacity to produce large numbers fast.

George Mills
I like these videos big ppl talk about their growth.

Nobody does this volumes using a deck oven?

Dealing with a conveyor is also not that easy what i have read…

We got thin crust, medium thick crust (americano called here), calzones, buns, focaccia… such a wide band of product. The items have different baking times.

We want to separate us from the big chains (here only dominos is relevant). German market is different from U.S.

George, you are selling a lot of equip what I’ve read. No deckoven customers?
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