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Mac & Cheese in a conveyor oven


New member
Does anyone have a recipe to make mac & cheese in a conveyor oven. I have a personal issue with canned cheese sauce so I’d rather not use that, if possible. Mac and Cheese seems to be one of those things that’s trending right now. Quiznos has it now I see. Thanks much Think Tankers.
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A fun ‘cheat’ would be an Alfredo sauce base, either warm or cold, tossed with your noodles & topped with a cheese shred blend…put in a 4x6 aluminum tin & run itthru…

Add bacon, chicken, tomatoe, or anything ofthe pizza make line…

The sauce is thin enuf it will heat thru onold MM 360’s
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Thanks for your comments. Patriot, I found mixing Alredo sauce, Cheddar, Fontina and Provolone cheeses with some spices makes a pretty tasty/gooey mac & cheese. Top it with Panko and butter and it’s Yummly. Appreciate your help figuring this out!
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Thanks for your comments. Patriot, I found mixing Alredo sauce, Cheddar, Fontina and Provolone cheeses with some spices makes a pretty tasty/gooey mac & cheese. Top it with Panko and butter and it’s Yummly. Appreciate your help figuring this out!
I make mine on a hot plate, then when it’s done I put it in a storage bin in the fridge. when a customer orders it we put it in a shallow clay bowl with a small amount of garlic butter and mozzarella on top . Cover it and send thru the conveyor. It’s the shit!
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oh man, this’ll be so easy, you’ll wonder why you never heard of this product, or used it.

Get some “Extra Melt” white cheddar cheese made by “Land O Lakes” Cube it, thin it with a little water melt it in a double boiler. And hold it warm if you can, ladle the melted cheese on some mac, and you’re done.
Or, slice it thin, place it over the mac, run it through the oven and stir. The stuff is flavorful, velvety and great stuff. We use it for several different things including our “Chili-Cheese Fries pizza”

Sysco has a similar product that you can split cases on and way less expensive, many Mexican places use it for their Queso
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