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Made it through day 3

We opened Wed and business has been quite good considering we have done no advertising at all. We have hit a few minor bumps that were easy to fix. Thanks everyone for all your support with getting this project going. If you are interested you can follow us on facebook. I have used it as a sort of diary of getting the shop together. Reno is changing rapidly with its food culture and we got here just at the right time before being priced out with buying a house and renting a shop. Walter
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Congrats Walter, I wish you both the best !!! got a good tip on flour -(doing research for new shop) also think tank approved ! General Mills All Trump code # 50143 , non bromated non bleached, high gluten, great for NY style pizzas, what flour are you using ?
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John: I don’t like the All Trumps. It makes too tough a pie IMO. I prefer the lower protein flours like full strength and superlative for a NY deck oven pie. We made it through the first week and I really haven’t worked any harder than I did for the past 20 years with my school bakeries and had no administrative interference which makes it much easier on the soul. Walter
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