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Magnet Designs


Staff member
I was looking over the business card magnets I sold this year and a few things stood out…

70% of the magnets I sold had the phone number across the complete width of the magnet…
60% of the magnets had black as the background colour and most of those had the phone number in red…
Only 20% had images of pizza…This number has been decreasing over the years…

I think the black / red designs are the most noticeable on the fridge…
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How many magnets had an offer of some type on them?

Which type had reorders from you.

Were the magnets 4 color or 2 color and how thick were they .013 or .039?

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A couple magnets could be collected to get a free pizza…And I do have a couple college stores that have a 9.99 pizza and have repeated for several years (just before school starts)…Other than that, no offers that I can recall…My re-orders are from all sorts of designs so not really able to say if the type of design had any bearing on re-orders…My magnets are 25 mil overall thickness and in full colour…
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As someone that has purchased over a million magnets I have a few thoughts about this. I agree the phone number should be large and the focus for the magnet if delivery and take out are your primary business. A lot of my magnets have been two colors and in my mind they show much nicer than most of the four color ones I have seen. I have not done any with a black background, but it doesn’t sound like something I would like with the red and blue colors of my logo. Below is a copy of my latest magnet.

As far as offers on the magnet, I think they work well. Most every batch of magnets I order is of a new design. I like to include in small print on the bottom: Redeem this magnet for(insert special here). I’m not looking to collect the magnet typically but the specials sometimes become dated. At this point I want to get them off the fridge and replace them with something that was priced based upon a more modern menu price. By changing the design and special every few months I give the customer more incentive to have multiple magnets of mine on their fridge. A few different magnets with a few different specials will hopefully keep them from paging through the coupon books looking for a deal where they may get distracted by a competitors ad.
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