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Magnet mailers


New member
Can anyone recommend a source for magnet mailers that can be mailed at bulk rates of 13.9 cents? Three of the four companies I know of that do these have shown that they do not care to be bothered with selling me 50,000 of these. The other one is a little bit pricey, I would like to compare their price with other companies. Royce, do you print these? Any other suggestions? I’m starting to run fairly tight on time as I need them in the homes in about a month.
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Paul I am no expert on “bulk mail” rates so I will have to check to see what can be mailed for that rate…I am assuming you are talking some sort of “saturation” mailing…Can a magnet product be mailed under that rate?..I think there was a previous thread on that subject but I can not find it…

I have a number of mailable items, however, I must say they are “pricey”…But having said that, return must be factored into the equation…Sometimes if a mailer gets a higher return you can justify the extra cost…Not sure if mine will do that for a pizza place although a few other types of clients have been “impressed”…
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As we’ve discussed b4 quite briefly, there seems 2 be 2 methods to afix the magnet to the card - 1 is gluing and that is not machinable, so the rates are high and am told won’t hold the postcard 2 the fridge…

the 2nd seems to be to laminate a thin mag strip to the back of the card & that will qualify for the cheap rates, based on the finished size…

the 2nd method I believe requires a somewhat unique printing method, sort of…I think it is run on a mini-web, ala the daily newspaper, but much smaller…a 50K press run isn’t that big, from their point of view…then it goes to the laminater…

so it is a niche product/market - IMHBCO

I would use the folks down south, but get a graphic designer near you to do the mock-up & let them farm out the printing…

You have control of the content, getting the best price I’ve found…

Drawback - the time frame
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So in order to get the best rate, the mailing piece needs to be machinable?..

Here are a couple items I sell…
Magna Fold
Magna Peel
As far as I know both these items are “machinable” but I will double check that in the morning…Also, they can come with a variety of sizes of magnets…
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Found another interesting source…they make a magnetic paper that can be printed on like normal paper & is USPS machinable…

course they were closed when I found them, but will call again Monday…I believe they are the mfg & not a printer, but reckon a good digital printer can do our postcards as an all magnet solution…might just be better than Monster/Rainbow/MagPac etc
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Finally got a sample pack from Rainbow Magnetics - stuff looks nice…but no prices…

Called the red 2day - pricing seems good…they’re in CA, so shipping is an issue, but they can do the sat/price of $.139 & a card cost of $.149 for a 6x8 card…misc costs $.06…
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I got the sample pack from Rainbow Magnetics a couple weeks ago and have yet to be able to get prices via phone or email. Right now I am looking for 40-50K magnet mailers plus some other stuff and I have one company quoting me pretty high, 2 companies apparently too busy to bother responding to emails/phone calls and one company that spent so little time doing the graphic design of my piece as to show me a proof that I could only assume was meant to be an insult. I’m glad this economy is doing so well that 3 out of 4 companies don’t have to care about their customer service and the 4th can sell their product for a prohibitively high cost.
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I tried contacting Rainbow Magnets twice in the past and was unsuccessful in getting pricing, let alone any help to determine what I needed. The last person I talked to seemed like a temp that didn’t know anything and no one ever followed up with any price quote via email or phone.
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I got the ear of a Rainbow rep & chewed on it a bit…told him I could get prices from many sources on-line…he winced a bit…

but, a 4 over 4, 8x6 mag card is .169…

but now his postage/list charge/ink jet has jumped to .227…!amaD

I also spoke with another guy outside of Tampa - they do scratch-offs as well…says he’ll match prices & will get me a quote on postage/etc
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Who where the companies that didn’t respond to your inquiries? A big pet peeve of mine is not being able to contact companies. I have used Magpac a couple times before and sent them out at the 13.9 cent postal rate. It seemed to take quite a while to get my mailers from them if I recall. Have you decided on a company to use yet? I have been shopping and would like to get another set of magnet mailers ready myself.
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