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Managers salary and bonus


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Would like a profit formula for a managers bonus so that he thinks more like an owner
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His current salary divided by arse out the door and being unemployed = future bonus…Get motivated or get out!
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His current salary divided by arse out the door and being unemployed = future bonus…Get motivated or get out!
I wish the Think Tank had a “Like” button. 🙂
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… [LIKE] 8)

That would also include a “dislike” button! This is all fine for those of you that only wish to micromanage your one location and truely believe that since unemployment is high…treat your employees like crap and when they walk or you just fire them…you just move on too the next. The expense in not only money but time and frustration of training and getting to the point of trusting someone is high. This is why so many cannot take a day off without the fire dept showing up. Why not treat your employees with respect and pay them fairly and give them benefits to stick around and make like better for you and them. Yes this costs money but in the long run the ability to have trusting and reliable employees will pay for itself. How about the day when you walk away from the location and let your manager take over? Or from 3 or 4 locations? It’s called RETIREMENT for those of you that want to live and die on a dusty floured floor! I had almost 300 people working for me and had the Teamsters pounding on the door every year for 20 plus years. Not once did they get more than a 7% yes vote! Why? Well, I paid them low wages, no benefits, if they complained they got fired…wait… that was the other employers in town. I had the best, most loyal, dedicated workers that did what needed too be done. When we were small…80+ hours a week was the norm. They stuck around. They made a killing on overtime and they also had benefit packages that made the job worth the hours. We had company parties and incentives that just boost moral when needed. When you get too know your workers…who their families are… who is having that problem that maybe you can assist in some way… it all adds up. In the end…when you have to say… we got a really big order…who wants too work all weekend…oh and yes… it was the 4th or Christmas Eve… and you have 100 people step up… that is loyalty. I really take offense too comments that make owners or managers sound like a$$es! I have commented on here before that there are “owners” and there are “workers” in the world and each has his own place…but I should also mention that there are several levels within each of those groups! :x
It’s not being twisted…it’s the truth! Joking or not… someone was looking for advise on a question that they needed help answering. I am all for joking around…I post quite a few. I also post a few that get me in trouble for speaking my mind. What really got me with your post was there are so many people out there that really think and act towards their employees like that. With unemployment so high…it is worse now than ever before. Why listen too your workers…if they don’t like it there are 1000 at the door looking. I lived this first hand back in 1997-2000. I had left my family business to go off and do something different. I took over a construction company that had an owner that thought just like you posted. We had 30 lazy, underpaid, no benefits, etc…workers that would gladly walk out the door if you asked them to do their job. There was one kid that read the job ads on his lunch break right in front of me. It took 3 months to turn those 30 into 18 highly paid with full benefits employees that did twice the work the 30 did. I only kept 7 of the original because the others had gotten such an attitude towards the owner that they could not see the changes I brought. New equipment, much better pay, full benefits pkg, bonus’s, etc. The second half of that first year there I did 3 times the sales they did in the first 6 months of that year. Year two…we more than doubled that. I have yet to find a situation where this business model does not work. So I do take it seriously when people comment like that. The original poster does not know you were joking. He is a newbie that unlike the fact that a lot of us know how each of us speak… he might take that seriously and walk away from the TT. Yes we can joke and that is a good thing…but lets not forget we are here to help each other also.
Would like a profit formula for a managers bonus so that he thinks more like an owner
I pay my shift managers a bonus based on labor percentage. When they keep it under target they earn from 1/5th to 1/3rd of the savings depending on service times (to prevent them from cutting too much and reward them for efficient service). That amount can be further reduced by cash over/shortages and bad checks returned lacking the info we ask them to gather or any other trackable thing that we think they need to focus on. This bonus is paid weekly.

My General Manager shares in the labor bonus as incentive to really follow sales trends and schedule accordingly. He also earn a percentage of profits paid at the end of each month.

Note: You’ve still got to get the right people in place in order to reap the benefits of a bonus system! I’ve found that only self-motivated people are motivated to improve operations by offering bonuses. For the unmotivated, the store still runs them.
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Great note Brad on the need to have the right people in the first place. This is hard no matter what the employment picture / economy looks like. Unless you really know someone it is going to be trial and error. It is far too easy for a person to say what you want too hear and even show you what you want too see. Until you are neck deep in the employment relationship…it is a hard process to risk and sometimes guess at. I will say that by having a decent pay schedule in place with the benefits and potential bonus pay or company advancement in place…will at least give you a head start by having people with goals and career thoughts in their minds actually show up and apply. It is just like your target customer… you run ads, you hang doors, you give that coupon that you know the type of customer it will bring in. Be it the long term loyal pizza buyer or the weekend you flood the market with buy on get one deals to just boost the sales for those couple of days… you need to target the right employee to get the same results. It is hard to see it…but how did the big guys go from 1 to 2 to 3 to…10000 locations? Did they micromanage with minimum paid workers and went through the revolving door? Yeah…maybe stores 1-3. Store 10…100…etc? NO! They put the people they needed at each location to make each store a success in itself. A lot of people have no aspiration to have something that large…and I don’t blame you. But how about a great running and highly profitable 1-3 locations? Sounds great too me! :!:

Figure out what they want to “master”

Great video. Check it out! This was sent to me by a buddy that I really look up to. Interesting prospective.
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