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March Madness Sales


PMQ Editor at Large
Saw this article in Time magazine and wondered how many of you agree with what the author is saying.

Does March Madness create a day-after-day pizza sales boom similar to Super Bowl?

Would love to hear your feedback on how sales compare.

Liz Barrett
PMQ’s editor at large
blogger at The Pizza Insider
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Operating in a college town, our experience is that March Madness totally depends on whether or not the local team made the tournament.

On the days they play we experience a surge in sales, but nothing like “Super Bowl” levels unless they are playing to get into or make the Final Four. When IU made an unexpected finals run in 2002, now that was such a merciless beating we actually changed our company culture as a result.

The off-day games are just okay. Once they are out, “well, no reason to watch the tournament anymore” is a phrase you hear repeated over and over again. We’ll add a bit of staff for the Final Four if we’re not in it, but it’s no more of a factor than the NCAA football national championship, NBA finals or MLB finals.

To be fair though, the Super Bowl really isn’t much of a “Super Bowl” for us anymore. I think people have learned to plan ahead (i.e. - get wing and subs) rather than believe everyone in the country can have a delivery made to their door right at kickoff. Around here, our “Super Bowl” is the World’s Greatest College Weekend: the Little 500 bicycle race week.
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As another in a college town I too will say it depends on if our team is playing. But anything other than a championship adds very little to our sales compared to a home football game. Football brings tens of thousands of fans from out of town for the weekend as well as getting the locals and students eating, while tournament basketball games held out of town don’t bring anyone into town and actually bring some of my most valuable customers out of town. For those that remain, watching our team on TV does certainly make them order more pizza.
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