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marketing idea...but how?


New member
Standing in line during all parts of my trip to Vegas gave me a huge insight. I’m sure it’s not original, but I am not sure how to follow up with it.

Without having pricing in front of me, I’ll just use what I can remember, and hope it’s close for my area. Obviously, it’s a lot more in some places (coughvegascough) and less others

McDonald’s Big Mac meal. Regular size–sandwich, small fries, large drink. $5.50 plus tax Husband and wife each get one, 3 kids each get a happy meal at $4 each.

$23. For what many consider crappy hamburgers.

I can give that family a 14" pizza, half pepperoni half combo, and 4 refillable drinks for that price.

Why do people bitch about the price of good quality pizza, and happily spend that much OR MORE for fast food? Why have WE let the big boys teach the customer base that GOOD pizza isn’t cheap, but it’s no more than bad fast food. And, if you’re at 5 Brothers, Steak 'n Shake, Whataburger, JITB, it’s probably MORE expensive (Disclaimer…I LOVE JITB and Steak 'n Shake. Whataburger is OK, it’s as much a cultural thing as anything.)

How can we fight back? As a subset of the industry, the independent pizzaria operators. Let’s get some ideas going, agree that we can ALL use them as a cooperative venture to help each other.

Maybe this has been discussed. I’d like to do so more, if it’s an old subject.
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Certainly not alone in this train of thought. I have this cross my mind everytime I go to Chik Fil A and spend $33 for my family of 4 yet I have a hard time selling 2 16" 2 Topping Pizzas + Bread + 2ltr Soda for $28…have lowered it back down to $24 just to get folks to order it.

One of the local indies around here spends all his time in his ads selling his quality and explaining that he uses the top of the line ingredients to justify a 2 topping 8" pizza costing $10.

Not sure that is correct either especially since he spends all that breathe defending himself against Big 3, when he is not in that market at all and his customers dont frequent them anyway.

Not sure how the industry as a whole can re-educate the flock to understand that we are far better option than a greasy burger and some fry’s. I think mega-mass-marketing of Big 3 (or 4 as LC gets back into the game pushing their cardboard no wait concept) we have a hard time. Even places like Papa Murphy’s claim quality yet focus on the abilty to take food stamps as a major part of their success.
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McDonalds spends over a billion dollars a year in the US on marketing…So there is far more to it than just comparing prices…
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Eupher I have said this here for 4 years and I realize how hard it is to do with the economy as it is and the big ones selling $5-10 crap. There are only a few indies that try this or do this and again…it is off to think that raising prices will increase sales. Make great food and charge for your food and the services you provide. You are so right about how a family will drop $30 at Mcd’s for burgers made with that “pink slime”…by the way…EWWW! People pay for crap but they also pay for GREAT! It will take time to turn some on to the fact that you charge more for a meal than the other guy…but get them in and try it out. Then keep them with consistancy and quality of everything. You have to re-educate them to the fact that you are not a $10 pizza or a $30 drive-thru…you are a $30-40 restaurant where a family of 4 can get GREAT pizza, an app, and some sodas…with FREE refills… for $8-10 a person. That is no more than any of the big chains…ie: OG or Chilis…etc…and this is where the GREAT comes into play!!! :!:
I had this same thought 2 years ago, but it fell through the cracks. I actually designed a “coupon board” for my box topper that would have cost-per-person for our family packs.

So your coupon would say: $5 (big and bold) per person (smaller)
and have details below.

I do think it may create some confusion but I think it is just as likely to engage the customer in the coupon - read it, comprehend it, and then think “oh yeah, I guess good pizza is a good value.”

Alternatively, you could just offer meals-by-the-person this way - for every 4 people they get 1 large and 1 cheese bread and 4 drinks, increments of 1 or two get a medium…

Haven’t really thought the latter through, but hope this gives someone an idea. If you do implement anything, I’d love for you to share!!
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I can give that family a 14" pizza, half pepperoni half combo, and 4 refillable drinks for that price.
Well, I think a couple of things.

First, a family of five to eat only a 14" pizza? That doesn’t sound like enough to me. Assume you cut your 14" into 10 slices, giving 2 slices per person. A Big Mac and fries (and even a Happy Meal) is more food than 2 slices of a 10-cut 14" pie.

And here is where part of the problem is in peoples heads - IMO. When they go to Chik-fil-a, McD’s, and most every fast food - or even most every quick service - each person is getting “their own” meal. “Their own meal” always is (or seems to be) more food than evenly splitting a certain size (or number of) pies. And when you get “your own meal” at the other places, it usually comes with one or more sides - included in the price. Not with pizza. They have to order “sides” , and generally, again, those are to be shared - not for the individual.

I think people are will to pay a higher “per person” price if they can see that each person got their own meal. On the other hand, when people order pizza, I think they tend to order more than they really need - because they don’t really know - which drives the per person price up.
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I have some input for families that have youngsters. I have a 5 year old daughter that more often than not dictates where we eat. At Moes Grill kids eat free on Tuesday but more importantly they have a clown name “Pipper” that the kids love because she comes around and blows up balloons for them. My daughter loves McDonalds because she can get a toy with her meal. They love the Chik-Fila because they have the play area with a slide, etc. etc. Each one of these places has good food but more importantly the kids want to go there for all of the above reasons.

I also have quite a few friends who have kids around the same age and go where the kids want to eat because it’s simply put it’s just easier that way. Get the kids to want to come back and the families will of course follow. If my daughter says she wants to go to xyz restaurant and it is reasonable, that’s where we are heading.

That said Royster does have a great point. McDonalds has quite a large marketing budget and in my area are very aggressive with little coupon books that come direct mail and contain 3 months of coupons that are aggressive and almost all BOGO’s for all day parts, breakfast & lunch/dinner items.
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I forgot to mention temporary tattoos…I have a few clients that give away temporary tattoos to the kids and like josh said, if the kids want you the parents have to follow…
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