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Marketing Plan....Please add to list


New member
Hey guys/gals,

Wante dto see if we could get a list going with any future Marketing ideas you have set for the next 30, 60, 90 days…

I’ll start.
  1. Goal = Current customer to visit again sooner.
    Box topping all med & large boxes. Coupons are replace w/ different color paper every Monday. Instead of an expiration date we use vaild between x/x/07 - x/x/07 usually 2-week periods. This ensures no one pulls the offer off the box and uses that visit.
  2. Email 2x monthly = repeat customers to visit sooner and on specific days. Current promo is set for Mothers Day weekend = Free toppings on any Med or Large pie (limit 3) & Free dessert for mom. Valid only Sat & Sun.
  3. Door hanging = drive new business in.
    Door hanging BOGO (valid on Large only). Hitting neighborhoods & parking lots near store.
  4. B2B = promote catering business .
    Mgr goes to 10 businesses daily M-Th (must capture 10 business cards before 11am. Quick intro, inquire, drop off menus, find out who orders lunch, offer free lunch if we are unknow, offer discounted lunch if they already know us.
Please feel free to share some ideas that all can use/benefit from!

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Our 4 year anniversary is coming up on June 1st. So I need to get on the ball with planning something for that. Other then that, I don’t have anything big planned. My business partner has been taking on most of the marketing for the business since he will be staying at home taking care of his first child soon.

We have some events we have lined up that I do know about.

Mid May our “Challengers” Group is hosting a Taste of the County. We are going to be there serving food to 60-100 people. This is a fundraiser, and should get us in front of some of the larger mover and shakers in the county. I’m hoping that this will lead to some catering orders from these people. We are one of 10 establishments involved in this event.

June, as I said is our 4 year anniversary. I’ll probably do some birthday cake for the entire first week or something. Anyone who has some great ideas, please send them over.

The library does a reading program, and I’ve been in contact with them. The branch closest to us has about 500 kids that participate. They are going to get a free small pizza for dine-in.

July, we are closing the store on July 4th. Last year some of the staff went on a canoe trip. It was a blast. I think this year we will invite some of our regular customers as well and make it into a big party.

In late August we are involved in the Youth Football program. They are doing a Jamboree and all the kids and cheerleaders are doing scrimages that day all at one time. Something like 1200 kids are involved in the program. We will be there selling food and passing out menus.

Also this summer I’m supposed to screen movies from last year’s local film festival. I was supposed to be doing this already actually, but I keep putting off the planning of this event for some reason. Someone kick me.
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Customer call backs.

The next day after an order call back a few of your customers and ask them if they enjoyed the experience. Find out if you don’t already know what prompted them to buy. Do a small number everyday and profile your customers.

Alot of what you seem to be doing is about existing business.

Can I ask you the question how many customers do you have on your database?

Does you’re database classify them in terms of their repeat business?

I like the realtor idea. Team up with a high profile local agent an offer a pizza to new residents to your area. Find out who your new customers are and a start a relationship with them from day one. You provide the voucher and the pizza for free and the agent makes the handover as apart of the new customers welcome to the community. Its an oldie but a goodie and targets really new customers. Find them and love them more then your competitors will.
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Opportunity in Everything:
I like the realtor idea. Team up with a high profile local agent an offer a pizza to new residents to your area. Find out who your new customers are and a start a relationship with them from day one. You provide the voucher and the pizza for free and the agent makes the handover as apart of the new customers welcome to the community. Its an oldie but a goodie and targets really new customers. Find them and love them more then your competitors will.
If anyone wants a copy of the letter and envelope we use for this please email to [email protected] and I will send you a copy.

We set it out had the artwork done and then got it professionally printed. I wouldn’t do it myself because you are making the first impression and it needs to be professional looking not some backyard hick operation.

The agents love it because it is something they are being seen to give away to their client and it doesn’t cost them a cent.

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