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Marketing Plans


New member
Does anyone care to share their marketing plans?

Currently I’m starting a new marketing plan that consists of:

  • 30,60,90 day lazy and new customer post card mailings

    bulk post card mailings to entire city (1500/week)

    door hanging (1500/week)

    possibly the black book magic letter (Not sure if I will do both post cards and letter at the same time yet or do one round of each at separate times.)

    weekly email coupons

    box toppers

    monthly new mover mailings

I’m curious to see what every one else is doing and finding success with? I want to add a few more relatively low-cost and effective marketing ideas.
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I don’t know if your real eastate agents work along the same lines as us or not but I would look at doing your New Movers similar to what we do. The agents give them the New Mover Free Pizza offer when they complete the sale. Have a look at my previous psots on this subject - New Movers.

This is and boxtoppers are the only promotion we do and our sales are racing ahead.

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how do u work the loyalty card? Is it a pizza free after 5? 10?
The customer gets a punch for each purchase of $10 or more (1 punch per visit) and the 10th purchase is free (lg. specialty pizza or stromboli)

Email me and I’ll send you a sample.
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I would search, but everytime I search I get nothing. Ugh, is it me or do I just not know how to use it?
Anyway, how do u work this with the real estate agents? Do u call them and tell them what you want to offer their customers?
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I would search, but everytime I search I get nothing. Ugh, is it me or do I just not know how to use it?
It’s not just you. Every time I search the archives I get either nothing or everything, none of which pertains to my search. Does anyone have a tip on how to search effectively?
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Anyway, how do u work this with the real estate agents? Do u call them and tell them what you want to offer their customers?
Send me a PM and I will forward you the letter and envelope we use. I did a post under “New Movers” which explains how we do it.

We are getting about 6 new customers a week from the promotion.

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I forgot to mention my Thank You cards in my earlier post. I had some post cards printed with a nice script “Thank You” on one side and my writing with a Sharpie on the inside Pizza/thank you card.jpg

I send one of theese out with each new customer order. I instruct my drivers to hand it to the customer after the transaction and say “my manager asked me to give this to you”. It creates a nice feeling and it acts as a bounce-back coupon.

Sorry for the gigantic image.
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