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marketing question


New member
hey everyone. wish everyone happy holidays! 🙂
my pos has following feature: when u run a marketing campaign, you can assign a promo code to say a coupon and print it undernith, then when people redeem them, you ask them for a code, then pos tracks results and if you fill in how much it all costed you (print, or pay local newspaper, whatever), a month later you can check how much revenue the campaign brought in, so that you can see if it was worth the money. And that system is OK. but i dont think of this set up as great. thats why - say i run a coupon in local newspaper, it costs me 100, and i get 10 redemptions, i dont really know if it was successful because i dont know if those 10 people just visited once or say 3 of them became your regulars and spent another 1000 altogether within next 6 months. so i am looking for if anyone knows of a pos or loyalty card company, that has that capacity. example of what i want to do- give 15 ten dollar gift cards to local church, 15 to gas station, 15 to pass out at bank for people who opening up savings account, print some gift certificates in newspaper, hand 15 to my landlord, whatever, i can think of fifty ways to distribute gift cards or coupons… all of these groups of cards will need to have a code attached or smth that will make them trackable. the point - i need to know not how many came back to me and not how much more they have spent over face value, but which group of cards/coupons brought me the most new customers who became my regulars and i want to know how much they ve spent as a group say next 6 months. if i gave 15cards to church and say all got redeemed but after redemption nobody spent another dime - good, i wont be giving them to churches again, but if i gave 15 to local hair salon and only one got redeemed, but this one customer after initial purchase has been coming in every friday and spending 35 dollars for next six month - even better. so what i ll do, ill give another 100 gift cards to this hair salon and other local hair salons and wont give any to church. because we all want new customers who will become our regular loyal customers! how can i track my marketing efforts from that standpoint?
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Are you asking for a referral to a loyalty/gift card provider?

The company that does your credit card processing will most likely have the ability to set up a loyalty program as well as provide gift cards. The costs for these programs are as varied as the costs for credit card processing, so you would be wise to shop around for the best package.
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In the pos it should be tracked by customer. I Know every quarter i will print up a top fifty customers and it will show me there information, how many orders placed and how much spent. we also pull up a report every month on how many new customers we have gotten and how much they have spent in the month. I will track it that way looking to see if we had just gotten one timers or how many people tht are becoming regulars. With people that are walking in my staff has learned who are the regulars so if a customers walks in they will ask for there phone number so that the pos system registers that they have ordered again.
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