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Marketing to downtown customers


New member
I currently operate a small pizza trailer in the downtown area of Austin, TX. We have been growing steadily over the past two years. However, I feel that there is a whole world of mouths that work in the downtown area on a daily basis that I am not getting in front of as far as advertising is concerned.

We have used flyer marketing. We have also done direct mail (expensive & not effective in this instance). I have also been networking & meeting people trying to break into the market more.

Does anyone have any ideas about how to get the attention of so many downtown workers? So may office buildings & apartment buildings with hundreds of people in them are available. Many buildings do not allow solicitors which is one of the reasons it is so difficult to get access. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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Do you do FaceBook or Twitter?..If you can get folks to share it may help some…
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We do have an active facebook and twitter account. We really need to build followers, but that is a great way to improve upon the downtown footprint. Just need to be more savvy about it.
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I know those offices don’t allow solicitation, but I bet they would allow you to deliver some pizzas for free. That was what Jimmy Johns did in my area to get customers from the local businesses. They came around giving free sandwiches to all the employees.
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We have definitely done a little of that ourselves. Most of the time is produces results. If that is the best viable option then I guess we ride that horse until another great idea comes around the bend.
Does anyone know where you can go to get a comprehensive list of the businesses in a downtown area? Can you get that through the chamber of commerce or other city entity?
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