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Marketing, you should read & contribute ideas.


New member
Hey Gyus
Any cool marketing ideas on your thoughts… please share for every one.
It could be a book that help you, or marketing company that you gave contract, or any eye popping idea or promotion you had done as a part of your marketing.
All of you should contribute for all of us to get ideas that are left on table to help us grow in comming summer season.
Thanks for contributing.
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I will start first.
Good help on sale through marketing is box toppers, have a promotions on monthly basis… lower price then menu iteams of course.

Have free sampling of slow or new iteams to customers.

Let kids come inside to make their pizza … with parent watching and only to let them put toppings on pizza they feel its their pizza they made unique exp for them …

Free 2 Pepproni every month to police dept, city hall and library and post office… dont forget about local schools them get 2 peppronies free once a month.
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Most of the ideas you seek are already posted in other threads on this site…A few days reading will fuel your marketing machine…RCS…
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Most of the ideas you seek are already posted in other threads on this site…A few days reading will fuel your marketing machine…RCS…
Not to toot his horn too loudly, but threads about marketing that involve j_r0kk will have lots of ideas from both him and the rest of us who played back and forth off of each other. There were some really good discussions in Late March and Early April . . maybe to Mid-April
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Here’s my contribution.

Make sure you put a magnet with every order, every week, every year. Change the layout of the magnets with every printing. On each magnet on the bottom include “redeem this magnet for…(insert your special here)” As the months and years go by, your customers will have many different magnets of yours on their fridge offering different specials. The next time they want a pizza, no need to look through a coupon book for your specials where they may get distracted by a competitors ad. The reason for including “redeem this magnet for” is that as years go by, price points change and you may not want to offer those specials from years past over and over again to the same customer. I still get magnets back from right after 9/11 that I worked my logo to look loook an American flag.
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Paul your comment about magnets got me curious…I looked over my album of 1,000s of magnets I have done for pizza places and could not find 1 single magnet that had a coupon…The closest I could come was a magnet that said “Collect 8 pieces & recieve a real pizza FREE!”…RCS…
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I’ve never seen another do this which is why I shared it on this thread. If you think about the premise, its a great idea. Most places put out the same magnet over and over and they most end up in the garbage can. Why should a customer save more than one? By putting the special on the bottom you may speed up your phone calls by eliminitating some of the “what are todays specials?” It may also help retain customers by keeping them from looking for your ad to get specials where they may get distracted by some other food ad. I’ve got customers with half their fridge covered in my magnets, which is certain to get noticed by any of their guests.
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Hi Paul,

That is an awesome idea. (Any royster, I still need to order my magnets from you… sorry about the delay.)

Do they come back in good enough condition that you recycle them, or do you just toss them?
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I am not looking to collect the magnets from the customers unless they are from a while back and our price structure has changed. Typically if recent magnet special is used, we have the driver tell the customer feel free to hold on to that and use it next time. By the time we collect a magnet with and older special from before our most recent price change, it’s no longer able to be reused because of the condition, and the special is no longer something we want to offer. Just do not, no matter how old the magnet is and how cheap the special is compared to your current prices, tell the customer the special is no longer valid. Be happy that they’ve kept the magnet on their fridge for years and honor the special, just make sure to get that magnet out of circulation.
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Paul and others,

Here’s an idea from the old Domino’s vault that I’d like to get everyone’s opinion on:

What do you think about offering FREE pizzas for every competitor’s magnet collected? Of course, the pizza you send out will have a shiny new magnet with your logo and phone number to replace that old one.

I can see the obvious positives. However, do you see any ramifications I might be missing out on with a promotion like this?

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I’m a fan of giving away pizza to sell a customer on my shop. I wouldn’t be against doing something like this in my town, but no one else puts out very many magnets. When my competition wanted to do this I think they were shocked how many free pizzas they had to give away just to get a tiny % of my magnets off the fridge. Part of that may be me giving magnets to all of my employees and everyone else I know to order from Dominos the one time they’ve done this here. It gets old giving free pizza to the same people day in and day out. If you try to limit it to one per household, you risk pissing someone off who has a magnet, but their roomate may have already turned one in.
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Nice Idea Jrockk… I don’t see any problem with it. I agree with the other poster, you don’t see very many mangets from the competitor’s around here. All the more reason to get them out there.

One way we distribute our magnets, increase our data base which in turn increases sales is:

We have a coloring contest for all the kids. On the back it has a place to fill out Name, address, birthday.

Every week we take their paper enter it into the database, and send back the coloring page with a certificate for a free 10 pizza. (Everyone wins) and on the certificate says “Here is a magnet to hang your masterpiece on the fridge” The return on the certificates is around 85%.

It not only gets the kids wanting pizza from our place it gets the magnet on the fridge.
Another new idea is marketing with Post-it notes. We create Post-it notes that are used as boxtoppers, door hangers, windshield leaflets, etc. for many many pizza places.

People have been having great results with them!! I have lots of testimonials and case studies from pizza places - if anyone is interested in reading them, let me know and I’ll e-mail them over to you.

Also - if anyone wants to try this out, I’ll offer you a 15% discount on your first order. Just mention that you saw this on the PMQ Forum. We’ll do all the art for free.

J_R0kk - LOVE your idea of trading a free pizza for competitor magnets!! You can put a Post-it on the pizzas you give out! 😉
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