Marsal MB60 Pizza Oven


New member
Hello everyone! I am new to the forums. I have a question about the Marsal MB60 pizza oven that I hope someone might be able to answer.

I am looking to open up a NY style pizzeria. I think I am set on going with a Marsal MB60 stacked for my oven. From what I have researched and others have said on this and other forms, they seem to one of the best out there. Is Marsal still one of the best oven to buy?

Also, I read that the Fibrament stones Marsal uses are very delicate. Has anyone had any issues with the Fibrament stones, or are they good stones? Someone also said that if you didn’t want the Fibrament stones you could ask Marsal to give you fire brick instead and they would. Does anyone know if they will still do this? And for anyone who may have used both or knows, would you say fire brick or Fibrament is better? Which do you prefer?

Thank you.
Stay far away from Marsal. Bought several of them throughout the years. When the company was sold back in 2016 or 2017 and they move the factory it really turned to shit. The last set I bought from them in 2019. In the first few months they replaced the manifold, the doors, several thermocouples, the door hinges, added a vent to the rear of oven to try to reduce heat in thermocouple housing. List goes on.

Are you still using a Marsal as you as you had purchased another one? How do you like the switch to Bakers Pride? If I am correct I though I remember seeing in another post that you had got a Bakers Pride deck oven. Do you know or have heard anything about Blodgett? I did hear that Blodgett acquired Marsal. This could explain the problems you metioned and them starting to go down hill. It is probably best to stay away from Blodgett as well.

I do want a gas deck oven with Bricks. Aside from an actual wood fired oven, a brick lined gas oven is really the way to go. That is what my Uncle and Aunt had in their pizzeria when I was growing up. It produced the best pies around.

Thank you.

Correct. I ended up scrapping those Marsal ovens in my new store and picking up a pair of used bakers prides ovens. I still use those old Marsal ovens in my other stores as those work fine with the exception of changing thermocouples every 6-12 months. To me the bakers prides bake is slightly different but they are very dependable. I feel that the stone retains heat much better even though it’s not as thick as the Marsal. I wonder if it is because it’s a giant slab instead of individual stones. There is gaps in between all of the Marsal stones that allow more opportunity for heat to escape is my guess.

I will look into Bakers Pride then. All I care about is that the oven is brick lined, gas, and reliable. When you are spending what these things cost you expect them to be reliable. You shouldn’t have to replacing parts every 6-12 months. Someone also told me about newer electric ovens in another forum. I’m just not sold on electric yet. My uncle and aunt owned a pizzeria back in the day, and they still say gas and brick is the way to go.

When you say slightly differently for the Bakers Pride bake what is the difference? Would the difference be the heat retention you speak of? I have heard about the gap with Marsal. And that could be what is causing loss of heat vs one solid slab in Bakers Pride that retains heat better. Especially when the door is constantly being opened. Also, there is the Fibrament stone on the bottom floor and firebricks on top with Marsal. What stone does Bakers Pride use, and is there only the slab on the bottom, or does the oven have a stone on top too?

Thank you so much for your responses! I really do appreciate it. This has all been a big help to me.

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