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Marsal Oven questions


New member
I just took delivery of a new Marsal SD866 and cannot seem to get the temps correct… I started out at 525 which produced a pretty good pie but the cook times were in the 12 minute range which doesn’t jive with what I’ve read about these ovens… I played around with temps more today and found 575f to cook the pies around 7-8 minutes but they were browning on the bottom faster then top, I’m a little confused on how to proceed to get better cook times and even color… Should I continue to go up or down with the heat? On our old Bakers pride ovens we could control the top/bottom heat to an extent but no baffles on these… any input would be appreciated.

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Sounds like your Fingers are setup incorrectly or for a different bake style. I have seen other threads in the past talking about this problem (i think, i am tired and its hard to think atm). I imagine George or Tom could point you to a thread or instructions online.
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Number one thing to check with every Marsall oven installation is to make doubly sure that someone did not install a gas pressure regulator outside of the oven. These ovens already have their own regulator already installed and baking problems become an issue if this is done. Next, You might need to reduce or eliminate any eggs, milk or sugar from the dough formula since your new oven has a thicker deck than your old one, hence it provides a stronger bottom bake, this is most likely why you are seeing the bottom get too dark before the top is done (sugar, eggs, milk contribute to crust browning).
Any additional information that you can provide on your dough management would also help to further identify the source of the problem.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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No extra regulator and nothing in the dough as you mentioned. Dough is classic ny style, H20-yeast-oil-salt
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And we can assume that you are not using the dough directly out of the cooler?
Cold dough can/will make a difference in how the pizza bakes in different ovens.
Have you had a chance to verify the actual temperature of the deck?
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Hi Bespa.

There is apparently no adjustment for top and bottom heat on your ovens. None of our clients use that brand so I have no experience to call on. I repeat that on deck ovens the thermostat is a wishostat it does not indicate the current temperature of the oven only the temperature you wish to have.

I suggest you get a grill thermometer to tell you what the actual temperature of the deck is and an oven thermometer to hang near the top of the bake chamber to tell you what the upper temp is.

George Mills
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Sorry for the delay, Very busy weekend… I am happy to say the new oven kept up very well. Friday night it was packed for several hours and never skipped a beat.

I did happen to take some temps of the top air and deck and show the following with the “wishostat” set @ 525

Top temp: 475
Deck temp: 450

Now I’m kind of a a loss on if I should increase the heat to come up with the temps we used to cook at which were 500 or leave it alone? It seems anything higher produce a dark bottom but the top stays white, I don’t want to go back to screening the pies but desire a faster cook time which is why we decided on this particular oven…

Thanks for your replies and time!
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Because your new oven has a thicker deck than your old one you probably don’t need to have the temperature set as high to keep the deck hot enough to keep up with the orders, so if you like the bake you are getting at the present temperatures I would just leave things where they’re at and continue making great pizzas. Remember, every oven is a law onto itself, and only onto itself, meaning that no two ovens are exactly alike and may require different baking times or temperatures to give the same finished product.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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