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Matchstick Carrots


New member
I sell alot of salad and matchstick carrots are a crucial part of them.
I currently buy 10oz bags of matchstick carrots from the grocery store, theyre relativly expensive so I wanted to start doing my own.
I bought a french fry cutter thinking i could push whole peeled carrots through the 1/4 inch grid but it just made a big mess.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to easily matchstick or juilenne carrots quickly?
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Dont know if you have a restaurant depot close to you but you can get a big bag and they are pretty inexpensive. We used to put them in our salads and every now and again when they would be out we would get whole carrots and shred them.
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Ive tried them and every time they are slimy. The small bags stay better.
I wanted to do them my self bc they also taste better.
I like the texture the matchstick gives over the shred and the ability to remove them if theyre nit wanted
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What you’re going to want to get is a quality Mandoline made by Broun Coucke
If you try a cheaper version, you will not be satisfied. I’ve got a spare one I may part with since i’ve stopped doing Gaufrette chips, and do not really need 2 mandolines in house anymore.

Another option is to run the carrots across a slicer, and julienne them from there.
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Thanks rocks! im researching the mandoline now.
I heard food processors can juilenne but dont know if ill like the product it produces
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I use the French fry cutter for my carrots. You want to put the pointy side through first.
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Thanks rocks! im researching the mandoline now.

I heard food processors can juilenne but dont know if ill like the product it produces
On the Bron Mandoline, there are typically 2 sets of blades that you rotate into position for how fine or thick you want your julienne, plus a corrugated cutter too.
You may even like a gaufrette cut carrot or radish, it gives them a lacy look, Slice on the corrugated blade, and rotate the veggie 45 degrees for the next cut, keep on going back and forth. (think of a waffle-cut fry, but thinner)
When using it, keep your fingertips pointed upwards!!! or wear a cut resistant glove until you get the hang of it. Every noob I try to teach how to use it nicks themselves once or twice before heeding the warnings.

Heres a better link to purchase
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We used to grate our carrots on a cheese grater, hobart pelican head, tasted great, people loved them but, exposing them to oxygen made them go bad too quickly,now we buy organic baby carrots from costco at a reasonable price, they are small and require NO prep work, we put them in water on our salad bar, keep well, sell great and they are organic! hope this helps,
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We too used to store the carrots in water to prevent the slime from happening worked well for us.
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I thought about baby carrots butmy brother my partner wasnt having it.
GotRocks I got that mandoline from RD I didnt like it that much, the guy on yiutube was just gliding carrots across it like nothing. Mine was a struggle and thought i was going to slice the tip of my finger off( the box was mangled looking, maybe someone returned it?)
But I did take your advice and I sliced the carrots horizontally, making carrot planks then I juilenned them from there, Guess what it was the best way for me!! Worked perfect saves me money and its a breeze to clean up! I dont know why I didnt think of that myself
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I thought about baby carrots butmy brother my partner wasnt having it.
GotRocks I got that mandoline from RD I didnt like it that much, the guy on yiutube was just gliding carrots across it like nothing. Mine was a struggle and thought i was going to slice the tip of my finger off( the box was mangled looking, maybe someone returned it?)
But I did take your advice and I sliced the carrots horizontally, making carrot planks then I juilenned them from there, Guess what it was the best way for me!! Worked perfect saves me money and its a breeze to clean up! I dont know why I didnt think of that myself
That doesn’t sound right? Was it a real Bron Coucke Mandoline ? On the top edge of the Mandoline it should show a little cartoonish looking character in a chefs hat, and/or have “Bron” engraved right on it.
Those main blades are typically as sharp as a straight razor, and most everything glides right through that blade with ease. I wonder if someone did return it, or they boxed up a demo model that wasn’t cared for properly.
Keep those finger tips pointed upwards, or wear a cut resistant glove made for cleaning a deli slicer until you get the hang of it.
Is it possible that you may have been trying to run the veggies through the wrong direction? The corrugated blade should be nearer the bottom when using it correctly, and set below the surface so that is not cutting when using the julienne blades.
Can you post a picture of how you had it set up?
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Im going to try to post it a picture. I always use my iphone to type my responses.
So I bought it from RD i saw it on the shelf $155. The box was beat up a bit, but looked intact. I was debating on ordering it from Amazon but I needed instant gratification.
The carrots kept getting stopped by the blades, maybe I was trying to do too much at once? I was using those big horse carrots. Everyone that revuewed the mandoline was saying how razor sharp these blades were i didnt notice any extrodinary sharpness.
Ill repirt back tomorrow if not insanely busy
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Im going to try to post it a picture. I always use my iphone to type my responses.
So I bought it from RD i saw it on the shelf $155. The box was beat up a bit, but looked intact. I was debating on ordering it from Amazon but I needed instant gratification.
The carrots kept getting stopped by the blades, maybe I was trying to do too much at once? I was using those big horse carrots. Everyone that revuewed the mandoline was saying how razor sharp these blades were i didnt notice any extrodinary sharpness.
Ill repirt back tomorrow if not insanely busy
Are you cutting the carrot in half lengthwise so you’re not trying to cut some monster sized 14 inch donkey-dong looking root vegetable, try the carrot in half instead of trying to get the whole length in one shot?
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