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melting butter for wings


New member
My question is can you melt butter in advance to add to your hot sauce for wings and does the butter harden back up after sitting for awhile. Also how many days is the butter good for after you melt it. Does anyone use a butter subsitute or just real butter.
Thanks, Kel
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We area liquid margarine shop, but I do believe that a melted butter with hot sauce added can work. It just remelts on the now heated wings. You gotta be great at portion control, though. For an example, the grocery store brand “Hooters” wing sauce is somewhat congealed at room temp, and liquifies on the cooked wings.
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We area liquid margarine shop, but I do believe that a melted butter with hot sauce added can work. It just remelts on the now heated wings. You gotta be great at portion control, though. For an example, te grocery store brand “Hooters” wing sauce is somewhat congealed at room temp, and liquifies on the cooked wings.
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Rosehill has a fantastic base. Make the sauce in advance and keep it heated daily. But, in reference to you inquiry on butter, ask your vendor about WHIRL. It’s a great product and probably a fix for your scenario.
Different issue, maybe the same solution - WHAT is WHIRL, please?
I think I’ve heard of it…
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WHIRL is a butter flavored, soy-based oil, its yellow in color, and is used throughout the restaurant industry, as a butter substitute, when and where the presentation of butter in its hardened form is not necessary.

I have a garlic butter seasoning that I create from WHIRL to coat my breadsticks, and my cheesey bread with it, as well, I use it to coat my desert sticks before applying cinnamon & sugar to them, I also use it to cut my Franks Hot Sauce on my wings.

There are similiar less expensive products in the marketplace, but you get what you pay for. I currently pay $9.00 for a gallon of WHIRL, at $.07 cents and ounce it is substantially less than real butter, and it doesn’t separate like butter tends too.
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If you whip your butter and add the hot sauce at the end then scoop your hot sauce/whipped butter onto a tray lined with parchment them put it in your freezer that will solve your problem. Use a smaller scoop say around #12.
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We use real butter and Red Hot. mix with hand blender for a minute when done, doesn’t harden up. also, regarding Whirl tasted couple years ago and thought it was like butter flavor on movie popcorn. But, what I’m paying for real butter I’m going to make a small batch of wing sauce with it to try
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tried batch of wing sauce with Whirl and admirations product today, Whirl tastes much more like real butter but other stuff would probably work in this situation. have decided to switch to Whirl --easier to work with & less expensive
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