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Menu Boards


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Hi there! This is Ron Cox of PMQ. I’m researching menu boards within our industry. I know sometimes we don’t give our menu boards a whole lot of thought…they hang above the counter, obediently telling customers what to choose from. Who has some fresh ideas? Any new technology out there that anybody is trying?
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It seems that the industry may be going to LCD screens for many applications. Do you see any advantage to continuing to use traditional signs?
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For traditional price is the main advantage that pops immeidately to mind, although that will become less of a barrier every year. It’s been at least two years since I research digital signage so I don’t konw where the current price points are at. I think digital signage has a lot of advantages and if done right will really bring some appeal to your boards. Even with a small, computer, open office power point clone, and a lcd monitor you could put together a cheap ad hoc system for those that may not be in a position to drop a chunk of change on a turn key system.

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I am not a fan of menu boards and do not use them. They just don’t have enough space to really present the menu. We have a brochure holder full of our menus for people to use. We sell a lot of preset, high end combos by having them on the menu. If we included the descriptions of all of them on a menu board it would have to be the size of the side of our building!
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We have been receiving alot of feedback from customers. The price of these systems has become quite resonable, so much so that once in place is alot cheaper than updating a traditional backlighting board with pictures. We do have alot of customers that are concerned about enough room for descriptions but if done correctly almost all are very satisfied with an optional lcd or two for specials not on the menu board area ( such as on the walls ). I think the tradition brochures are great as well, and in reality the idea behind these digital menu boards is to be graphic and entice the upsell. There are so many advantages compared to a handful of drawbacks. An example of a great feature is that we have recently tested is our smart board. Nice having an option to set your specials area to automatically rotate with the items /sides that are not selling that afternoon / day / week, or if your choose to rotate by profit margine all updated by your point of sale. I agree that for some business’s it may not be suitable, but as owner’s I think you really should approach with an open mind.
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I am not a fan of menu boards and do not use them. They just don’t have enough space to really present the menu. We have a brochure holder full of our menus for people to use. We sell a lot of preset, high end combos by having them on the menu. If we included the descriptions of all of them on a menu board it would have to be the size of the side of our building!
Can you email me at [email protected] please? I’d like to discuss this further with you.
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Another factor for us is that less than 10% of our orders are placed at the counter. We run about 70% delivery at this time of year and higher in the tourist season. Of the 25-30% that carry out, the large majority order on the phone before they arrive. We could do a better job adding things like salads I guess… that is something to think about.
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You have 4 post all about your company. The last one talking about all the additions you’ve added like magnets…Royster sells magnets plus he gives a ton of input on all subjects unlike you.

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I wouldn’t worry about it too much Character and Co. There are others on this forum that start threads just to plug their company and really add nothing to the discussion other than their company. Royster has much pizza experience, so he can add a lot to most any subject being discussed here. Talk about your company when the subject comes up. Just try not to dig up threads that died months ago as way to boost your post count. Plus you’ll be surprised how often an artists point of view could be helpful here at the TT.
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I think Character & Co really added something to the discussion. I didn’t know you could buy menu board that looks handwritten and could replace one line at a time. He added info and discussion to a topic that often get overlooked without feeling like an ad. We should embrace industry experts more often. So that we can be exposed to new and bigger ideas.
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I do not have any “horses” in this race so these comments come without any bias…

I have been told by clients that after installing an “expensive” menu board they had an almost immediate impact in increasing volume and size of average sale…So in their minds it was an investment that paid off…

As far as the expense…If you look at cost versus sales generated, I think you will find it is a smaller number when compared to advertising you have to keep paying for week after week (tv, mail, newspapers, etc.) Most of the cost of a menu board is 1 time and should last you several years…Sure there will be updating costs but they will be no where near what other advertising costs…

Another comment about the menus boards is that sometimes the changes are not done very well…I deal with at least 1 chain that constantly has to go after their franchise owners to fix the “ugly” changes on their menu board…If you have a menu board that can be changed, make sure the “changes” match the existing fonts…It might be an idea to use a font you own so you can pass it along to another sign maker if you do not want to use the original supplier…

Also, I think if your printed menu is easy to find then your results may not be as good as if your menu is held hostage…By that I mean you have very few copies and they are usually hidden under the front counter…So a customer has to ask for a menu before they can order…And then they are often encouraged to order in a hurry rather than being given the time to review the menu and maybe increase their order…

PS…It is a good idea to put your menus in a basket outside your front door…
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Well they deleted my posts :evil: so I bid my adieu.

How is this for helpful input then?
Menu boards, when done right, transform your business.

ps. and for the record, this he is a SHE 😉
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Well, just to sound in on character & co. I really didn’t have a problem with it. His board wasn’t something I personally was interested in but maybe the next time someone posts something I will be. I think vendor input is important and its not always easy to jump into a board like this and know exactly what the parameters are.
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Well, just to sound in on character & co. I really didn’t have a problem with it. His board wasn’t something I personally was interested in but maybe the next time someone posts something I will be. I think vendor input is important and its not always easy to jump into a board like this and know exactly what the parameters are.
I agree, but PMQ operates this site for us by making money selling advertisements. They can’t just allow vendors to advertise for free by posting. If Character & Co wishes to advertise their menu boards to us, they should purchase an ad from PMQ.
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Well, just to sound in on character & co. I really didn’t have a problem with it. His board wasn’t something I personally was interested in but maybe the next time someone posts something I will be. I think vendor input is important and its not always easy to jump into a board like this and know exactly what the parameters are.
I agree, but PMQ operates this site for us by making money selling advertisements. They can’t just allow vendors to advertise for free by posting. If Character & Co wishes to advertise their menu boards to us, they should purchase an ad from PMQ.
If that’s the issue, this is the first I’ve heard of it. I always got the impression it was us, the members on this forum, who policed it – along with moderators. Just be a part of the community and its cool. If she does that now, I assume its all good going forward???
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Thanks very much for the support from ‘the ranks’ and also for the clarification regarding advertising. I had read the “Welcome to…read before continuing’” post and missed the Think Tank Policy post and so thought mentioning our products/services was perfectly within the okay-to-do zone.

(Although since the post-deletion ‘incident’, I have seen quite a few other posts where such things are mentioned and obviously, not deleted, so am a bit confused)

(the very nice) Paul explained: “…Just try not to dig up threads that died months ago as way to boost your post count.” I had two thoughts about that, I searched the threads for menu boards because that’s what I know, so rather than start a brand new thread, I added what I thought was relevant there. Don’t see why age of thread matters.

and Two, (forum clueless here) Why would anyone care about ‘boosting post count?’

(One not so nice) poster seemed to chastise me for mentioning that we do promotional products because another forum user also markets them and posts more frequently/helpfully than I. I’m not sure if I misconstrued that or not, but it seemed rather clique-ish…as though there’s only room for one merchant per category in this club…?!

(again, maybe I misunderstood the gist…being a girl,left-handed, artistic and blonde, surely cements my fate as one prone to misunderstandings)

Go ahead, insert Dumb Blonde joke here.

On a side note, we WERE at the PMQ show in Orlando in 2008 and just stumbled onto the little vendor interview video that PMQ made. (posted it on our blog…made us feel quite important and big-shot-ish in a Steve Martin-gets-a-phone-book sort of way :lol: )

If you haven’t seen The Jerk, that will mean nothing to you.

Thanks again guys.

ps. Shall I tempt fate and add: Menu boards are cool. :shock: Now I’m doomed to the pit of deletion for sure.
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