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menu boards


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Hey operators!
Can some of you help me out? I’m working on an article about menu boards, and I want to talk to some of you that are using them.
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Might be a good idea to include information on digital options…An old computer and a cheap lcd tv can do a great job…
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I made some for myself. Did some simple art work on my computer and then sent it off to Sam’s Club. The photo department has a poster size option. It‘s around $9.5 each.
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I have a new employee that is also an art student at the local college. She is about to start making a custom chalk menu board to replace our miserable marker-board menus in the store. I’d be glad to document the process if she could have pictures published in a national trade magazine. She’s a talented and enthusiastic artist and would be thrilled to have that happen.
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Probably a bit late of a response for your article…

I just took down our custom-made menu boards. They were PVC boards with the food images and some other attention-drawing details attached with cut-to-shape pieces of PVC added to give the menu board a 3-dimensional aspect. Really cool, but a huge pain to keep clean and make changes (to pricing & new offerings).

Now I’ve had my sign guy take our regular menu and turn each panel into its own vertical banner. He had to lay the original hi-res images over the ones used on the small menu, but otherwise we’ve turned our same tri-fold menu into a giant, hanging, vinyl menu board. The thought is that now whenever I make a change, I just have him reprint that one panel and change it out easy peasy.
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Brad we did a similar thing with our new menu boards. We had our tri-fold menu pages made into menu boards but minus some of the detail. We had them printed on white plastic corrugated board with red and black type totally laminated. Cost about $90 per sheet to do. The print is vinyl die cut. Cheap to replace, look classy and smart. They are approx 4 feet deep x 2 1/2 feet wide. Nice and light and easy to affix to the wall (ours is a chilli red wall so the contrast is great). We also had a larger version of the opened middle of our tri-fold menu printed on the same baord about 2ft wide x 18" deep as counter and window menu boards. Again cheap and smart looking and very versitile.
We have pictures of them menu boards on our Facebook photo album.
In the past we had a blackboard menu with chalk drawings and writing. The guy who did it was unbelievably good but his price was expensive. I guess this is the case when you get the best there is. It was going to cost over a grand to get a new one so we opted for the ones we have now and saved heaps. A downside of chalk boards is that when you need to change prices the old chalk needs washing off, then the area needs re-blackening, new details added etc. It works out costly to do and takes a bit of time. The chalk board suited our store under the old decor when we took over but we moved to a sleek and trendy fitout and the chalkboard didn’t fit the image.
From now on we will stick with the vynil print on plastic corrugared board.

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I’ve seen the above menu boards b4 @ the Orlando Pizza Expo…but alas, they are expensive for anyone using a BIG menu and it takes up quite a bit of real estate that some operations might have…

I made my own several years ago & was rather proud of myself…

(tried 2 u/l the file/pic…reckon its too big…)
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You have 4 post all about your company. The last one talking about all the additions you’ve added like magnets…Royster sells magnets plus he gives a ton of input on all subjects unlike you.

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I am looking to changing my menu so can some of you post some pictures of your menus so I can get get some visual ideas.
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