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Menu Item Ideas


New member
was wondering what kind of items you have on your menu to increase lunch traffic

looking at doing wraps, special salads, hogies,

any other ideas would be appreciated

not going to have a dining room so no more BUFFET yeah

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I recently just added subs to my menu, which worked well for lunch traffic. Also did ready to go salads and sandwiches. The biggest capitalization in my opinion for lunch is on the grab and go. Usually lunch times are short, so they don’t want to wait. Keep stuff stocked in that they can come and grab, and be gone in under 5 minutes.
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We also had some pizzas on flatbreads. they were very popular . . . salad and a pita pie was a great light lunch. Came with up to 3 tops.
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On a whim we bought a case of 13" flour tortillas and were blown away at how many wraps we can sell!

We purposefully built menu additions from ingredients we already were using. We do a pretty std. “Club Wrap” with leaf lettuce, tomato, mayo, ham, turkey and bacon. Our most popular offering I call the “Chicken Quesadilla Wrap”. It’s 4oz of sliced grilled chicken breast that has a touch of cajun spice dusted on it when on the flattop to heat up. We add in red & green peppers with onion, lettuce, tomato, pepper jack cheese, and a slice of bacon. What makes it SO good is a bit of “Chipotle Sour Cream” we built. Awesome wrap and we’ll sell maybe 15-20 every lunch.
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