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menu pictures


New member
I’m getting ready to print up new menus and was wondering what y’all do about the photos. Do you take your own pictures or do you hire a professional photographer to do it. Do you hire a food stylist? Any benefits or drawbacks with any of the choices? How has it worked for you? Thanks for any thoughts you may have.
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I hired a professional photographer and was glad that I did. She took a two hour period to shoot 500 pictures of 10 of our menu items.

The pictures in the link from daddio are of food that doesn’t look good in the first place. If you are confident about how your food looks then have photos taken. If you aren’t then use stock photos.

Photos are important to a menu. People will save something with a photo. Especially if it looks good.

I just posted a photo on my facebook fan page and we received 4 online orders for that item within two hours:!/photo.php?fb … =1&theater
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I have had this conversation many times over the past 11+ years with many clients…And I am yet to be convinced that “original” photos work any better than “stock” photos…Some of the menus printers that specialize in pizza places have vast libraries of stock photos that replicate almost any pizza you can make…And in my mind, these photos are many times better quality than most photos I have seen that were done by my clients…
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The trouble with stock pictures, is you get a different style picture for each item on your menu. When you find a picture you like for each item they look fine but once put together you lose conformity and you start to look like every other pizza joint who uses the same photos.

Images are so important to building a brand, so by having you own photos with a set color, tone and angle will help make you stand out. I often thought how many people look at our leaflets/menus and think pizza and not our company because its the same images everywhere.

We have just started to do the photographs ourselves this week and I am pleased with the results. It is hard to get pictures of perfect pizzas so I found close ups of the toppings worked well and is quick and easy so monthly specials can be done without a photographer. They are not all uploaded yet as we ran out of time last night but to give you an idea we did these photos in about an hour.
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I agree that stock photos can be inconsistent at times, however, I think that is far less of a problem than “bad” photos…
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Re “stock” photos: I don’t understand the concept of having pictures NOT of the actual item being sold! How can that end in anything other than deception and disappointed customers?
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