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Menu printing


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Hi, so i just priced my entire menu and am close to being ready to print. I’ve read all that’s in the archive, but most of it is 2 years old. Who are you guys using now to print menus? How many would you recommend on a first run?
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How many depends on how you are distributing them and how long it will be until you expect to print again. We are in a resort town and the hotels and condos have brochure racks in the lobbies. That distribution goes through about 4000 per year. We use another 600-800 at our front counter. Of course, if you are mailing them, that count is easy to figure.

We print locally. I make a big thing in my marketing about being a local business and this is one way I put my money where my mouth is. I know I could save maybe 10% on the cost, but that is simply not worth it for me.
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As always thank you for the well thought out reply.
How many depends on how you are distributing them and how long it will be until you expect to print again. We are in a resort town and the hotels and condos have brochure racks in the lobbies. That distribution goes through about 4000 per year. We use another 600-800 at our front counter. Of course, if you are mailing them, that count is easy to figure.

We print locally. I make a big thing in my marketing about being a local business and this is one way I put my money where my mouth is. I know I could save maybe 10% on the cost, but that is simply not worth it for me.
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My distributor did mine for me and they look awesome. They sent one of their photographers to take pics of my food which they then used on the menu.
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i use menu pro. it has saved me a lot of money.with their program you can design and print your own menu. i just ordered 2 HP 901 blk ink xl refurbished cartridges for 8.50 free ship e bay. before when i had a menu printed, no matter how much i proofed it, i always missed something. i usually need a few weeks to work with a new menu for the bugs to come out, then it may cost me 600.00 to have a new set of menus printed not counting to go menus. before we used laminated menus, now folder style you can stuff . to change a price or add or delete an item on the menu is easy now. i just make change on menu pro, print and stuff menus at work,menu pro is easy to use
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I have an employee who designed mine. He has been Photoshoping since high school, 23 now, and is pretty dam good. I luck out on that. I use a local printing company. I just send them the image and they print to the size when I need them. This also gives me the ability to print my own 81/2" by 11" if I want
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I use I get mine printed on gloss paper… and they fold… you just upload the PDF or JPG and they send you back showing you how it would look… this is only good if you have the high res version of your menu.

There prices are probably just like the poster aboves… I have found better deals online then in my area.
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I always do business with the local printers because they will also do business with me. How many pizzas will you sell to the online printer?
Funny thing is my local printer told me to use the online service taradel because he couldn’t produce the menus for what they would charge me for them shipped and they still buy pizza from me too!
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I always do business with the local printers because they will also do business with me. How many pizzas will you sell to the online printer?
I used to be a big believer in use the local guy, but moving to a smaller market the work ethic doesn’t seem to be there, at least in Florida. I went to local printer to try and print some business cards and I asked if he could do them that day and he said yes, but for a 50 dollar rush charge! On a 50 dollar order! He was smiling like he had me over the barrel I just said no thanks, went to staples, got them done for 30 bucks beautiful card no rush fee. You have to be at least competitive in my mind price wise or make my life easier. If you aren’t doing those things you don’t deserve my business, and I would expect the same treatment in return. If I’m not competitive or giving you awesome service why should I give you business just because you’re local?
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And same thing on equipment, I asked a local guy for a equipment quote and he got me one, 7 days later! In the meantime I got almost everything I needed of cl or ebay. He was dumfounded that I didn’t wait. So I said fine give me a walk in quote he tells me not interested unless he can get some of my equipment business. So I took my 12k walk in business elsewhere.
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Just got my new menus today from Mailshark. They were a pleasure to work with. I will use them again in the future.
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I live in florida Too Daddio… LOL Printers down here are pricey and the turn around time is bad… None wanna wheel and deal…
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My wife did ours. She was a pro with Photoshop and I invested in a laser printer/ I could print them whenever I needed or make changes with having too many out.
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