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"MenuTab" on Facebook


Active member
Does anyone use the menutab on FB??? I have updated mine, but when I use my phone to look at my FB page and look at the menu, for an unknown reason its not updating, its showing items I have deleted and prices are not updating, BUT on the laptop FB menutab everything looks updated

Any help ??
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It could be that your phone is loading a “saved in cache” page. Have you tried restarting your phone and then look at your FB page?
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That did not work, I cleared all cache files in my whole phone, shut it off and turned it back on still showing old menu items I deleted on my laptop. I think I will just delete to option all together & start over. I tried writing FB last week & got no response GO FIGURE
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Well I finally figured it out after a few days. Somewhere in my facebook page setting there was a link from “singleplatform” that was showing my menu and that was checked somehow linking mobile users to a menu they(singleplatform) picked up from an old menu on the web. I was able to uncheck the link and delete it. I tried logging into singleplatform to change the menu, but apparently I never signed up for it, so I contacted them to get a hold of me about there information on my web menu. Apparently this “singleplatform” is linked as a parent company of “constant contact”.

So the “menutab” on facebook is working on laptop computers, but if customers are using their mobile phone they do not see the link “menutab”. I am in contact with a guy at facebook regarding the mobile menutab.
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I’m using the default 'MENU" setting that FB offers for pages, but its really not that user friendly for the customers. It just lets you upload a PDF of your current menu. AND your question got me looking up what MenuTab is all about… So for those who don’t know about it, here’s an article about it:

Here’s their .com page about it:
and their Facebook page about how to use it:
and here’s where to get their APP:

So-- I’m still investigating if its worth my time. So, daisy1, did you find initially that MenuTab was a pain in the beginning to create your menu for the page? I’m really curious, as I want to make my menu more accessible to customers online. Thanks!
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I’m using the default 'MENU" setting that FB offers for pages, but its really not that user friendly for the customers. It just lets you upload a PDF of your current menu. AND your question got me looking up what MenuTab is all about… So for those who don’t know about it, here’s an article about it:

Here’s their .com page about it:
and their Facebook page about how to use it:
and here’s where to get their APP:

So-- I’m still investigating if its worth my time. So, daisy1, did you find initially that MenuTab was a pain in the beginning to create your menu for the page? I’m really curious, as I want to make my menu more accessible to customers online. Thanks!
No it really was not hard to set up at all, just so you know the “MenuTab” for you FB page is only visible on a laptop NOT on any smartphone. If you want your menu to be visible on your customers phone when they go to your Fb page, there is a setting in your page that allows you to download it & like I said its NOT associated with “MenuTab” is being pulled from “SinglePlatform”

I already do have a link on my website to my mobile menu it is set up thru “OpenMenu” was free to set up as well and very user friendly. This is another option for your mobile menu
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If you ever once sign up with single platform, it is nearly impossible to get them to stop charging your credit card. I told them in writing over a year ago that they were NOT authorized to auto-renew the listing and must contact me each year to renew… but there was that charge again last month. Got no answer from them by email and had to challenge the charge on my CC.

It is a neat idea, but I can get ZERO documentation of eyeballs or referrals to or from other websites.
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If you ever once sign up with single platform, it is nearly impossible to get them to stop charging your credit card. I told them in writing over a year ago that they were NOT authorized to auto-renew the listing and must contact me each year to renew… but there was that charge again last month. Got no answer from them by email and had to challenge the charge on my CC.

It is a neat idea, but I can get ZERO documentation of eyeballs or referrals to or from other websites.
I never signed anything from “Singleplatform” & have never been charged for anything. Like I said earlier, Singleplatform pulled an old menu of the internet & also they are associated with Constant Contact & I DO NOT have an account with either company.

Also as stated in my earlier post, there is a link in your business FB page that you can opt in or out by checking the box that allows your menu to be viewable on your customers smart phones that is linked thru Singleplatform/Constant Contact.

The best option for me was to post a link to my mobile menu thru “OpenMenu” totally FREE. My link is posted on my website and my business FB page
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