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Merchant account fees

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Hi PMQ’ers

I had credit card sales of 22,000 last month…my charges were 707…which
is 3.3 percent…

anyone here have a better plan??

The 3.3% is probably pretty close to where you should be if you are doing mostly delivery and keying most transactions in. If you are more of a restaurant and swiping most cards I would reccomend RBSLynkman. His info can be found on the following PMQ post: … 7feffc371e

I haven’t used them yet but soon will.

My current processor is costing me about 3.1%. The rate I am getting is 2.28% plus 15 cents a transaction. Same rate whether transactions are swiped or keyed. Customer sevice sucks though. If you want to contact them Call Mitchell Jones at 1-800-801-6242. Just be ready for them to try to sell you on loans for your credit card sales.
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Hooray !!!

Finally something cheaper in Oz.

We pay 0.8% for credit card transactions and 1.1% for debit card transactions and $15 per month access fee which also covers transfer of funds from EFTPOS bank to my regular bank account. (It was cheaper to get the EFTPOS through another bank than my own.)

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I would talk to RBSLynx also…their customer service is great and I am sure they can get you in the low 2% range. I would highly recommend as I have been with them for over a year now
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We use RBS Lynk and that is what I pay. 707 seems like a lot but cheaper than customers bouncing checks.

One thing I have found about lynk every few months they raise the percents without telling us. You can call every six months and they will review your account and usally get our rates back down.

I have been looking elsewhere just haven’t found anything worth switching. The ones I look at charges per transaction with a percent.
Big John,

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Thank you for considering,
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