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Merchant service / Credit card processor suggestions


New member
I’ve been reading thousands of reviews and talking to other merchants about which processor is the best with the least fees. With all the experience on these forums, does anyone suggest any company they have used and are happy with?

While you’re here, I might as well ask which coupons/sales you use that bring the most business without costing too much in give aways ($2 off, bundle deal for a few bucks cheaper, ect.). What has been your most effective marketing strategy?
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I’ve been reading thousands of reviews and talking to other merchants about which processor is the best with the least fees. With all the experience on these forums, does anyone suggest any company they have used and are happy with?
I have been happy with heartland
While you’re here, I might as well ask which coupons/sales you use that bring the most business without costing too much in give aways ($2 off, bundle deal for a few bucks cheaper, ect.). What has been your most effective marketing strategy?
I have found that leaving off the “extra change” or making it an even number works well (example: 2 medium 2 toppings for $11 or 1 topping pizza and wings for $15.50) and not going over $20 for a price point. This goes against everything that I learned in college while earning my business degree but seems to work great in my community. Check out my daily specials at … fault.html
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I agree,less then 20 bucks is the way to go in my area too.we dont coupon much.since the recession started we do a monthly deal thats about 15-20 bucks max.the best coupon BY FAR for us is the by a large for the price of a medium…thats about 2 bucks off.gluing flyers works better then a newspaper add for us it seems.
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