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Mercury payment systems


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We are getting our pos fully installed in one week, and have one more thing to to take care of. Currently we are using a local company to run our credit cards. The rate is good and the guy is easy to deal with. He also gives paper for free. Our POS is compatible with Mercury Payment Systems…Any body use or have a horror story for me…And who has used a card reader program so you can use who you want?
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I have used Mercury Payment systems for over 2 years and have not had any problems with them. I have talked with the customer service people a couple times. They are friendly resolve the issues I had quickly.
Are you saying your POS is ONLY compatible with Mercury Payment Systems? This would be a huge red flag for me. I don’t have any info on Mercury Payment Systems good or bad, as I have never used them, but wouldn’t want a POS company to force me to use one company. If you do have options, I use RBS Lynk becouse one of their sales people has been a contributor here on the Think Tank and I feel I get the best prices through them.
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We’ve used Mercury for over a year and a half. I had a quote from another company that was very good, and Mercury matched it when we switched over, so we have pretty good rates. I don’t know that I would’ve had as good of rates without the quote.

I’ve never had any problems with them. I’ve called multiple times for multiple things and have always gotten great support and service. I really feel like they do a good job.

Also, if you process credit cards with mercury, their gift card program is free. You purchase the cards, they are reusable, and you don’t pay any swipe fees or transaction fees. This is a big plus and when I have other salespeople in it’s generally something I find that they cannot offer.
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One thing I’ve noticed with Mercury Payment Systems is that when there is a dispute/fraud/chargeback, I as the merchant eat the cost EVERY SINGLE TIME. On one occasion the card was present (swiped) and the order records matched the customers information exactly… and they still charged it back to me because the customer signed some statement saying they didn’t make the charge. Whatever. After that one, I don’t even bother responding to the chargeback requests for information anymore as it is a pointless waste of time. Meh… only happens about a half-dozen times a year.

I’m looking for the lowest rate anyways - not customer service. I’m sure I’d have to pay extra for a company to go after the fraudsters.
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What POS?

I got the something when I asked and did not like the fact they said it was the ONLY choice…when I pressed, then I found out they could program just about any processor…I am sure there are some kickbacks so dont be suprised if they are higher…I would go ahead and signup, but don’t get locked in. Shop around then work the rates down when you get a better quote.
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MPS is GREAT, been with them since 2004. Have never had a problem with them and the deposits are always on time.
Additionally, they do my Gift Cards, they have a very reasonable turn around time and have an “express” (no logo) card to get you rolling quickly.
Anyways, I have nothing but awesome experiences.

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I would be glad to give you a quote if it’s not too late.

Just need to make sure we can integrate. Mercury has a tendency to “lock” in their Merchants by giving kickbacks to the POS Software vendor.
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