Middleby Marshall 360 Oven Issue


New member
For the last two years I’ve been having various issues with both my ovens and I’ve put thousands of dollars into them so far and they still aren’t baking pizzas properly. I could use some expert help! I have two middleby Marshall p360 gas ovens, Double stacked. Here are the issues that each one has…

Top oven: it’s currently set to 500 degrees at 8 1/2min. I’ve heard that it shouldn’t take 8 1/2 minutes to cook at 500 degrees but mine does for some reason… I’ve tested the actual bake temp with an oven thermometer and it shows it’s cooking around 505 degrees inside the whole time. The main issue is that the bottom of our pizzas will randomly not cook all the way. 80% of the time they do and then 20% of the time we have to push pizzas back in order to cook the bottom properly. It’s been a huge hassle. I’ve already replaced the control panel, and the thermostat prob on the back end. My guess is that maybe it’s not receiving enough gas? Or maybe a blower motor is going bad? I really don’t know…

Bottom oven: my bottom oven is currently set to 500 degrees for 7 1/2 minutes. I’ve recently replaced the control panel and conveyer belt timer (recently had a timing belt issue) that’s fixed for now. But now the main issue I’m having with my bottom oven is that when I send an oven thermometer through it, it reads 500 degrees for the first 1/3 of the ride, then 525 degrees for the middle and then 555 degrees for the last 1/3 of the ride. Ideally I would like for the whole oven to cook at 500 degrees and not just the first 1/3.

If anyone is able to help, I would really appreciate it. I’m 27 years old and I’ve owned this pizza place for 2 years now and this oven has been the biggest pain in the butt. I have other fires I need to put out but the oven is the heart and soul of my pizza shop and it isn’t cooking our pizzas properly.

Thank you!
Your oven may not be assembled correctly. I learned this the hard way after a cleaning crew put mine back together incorrectly.

Check your fingers to make sure they are not damaged or deformed. Look inside the fingers to see if they are the same or different. Some MM 360s came out of Dominos and they had a different finger on the “in” side than they did on the “out” side. It may also have a “choked” finger on the bottom. If this is your configuration, a previous owner or oven cleaner may have put them in the wrong positions.

Also, if this oven was used, do not assume that the top deck and the bottom deck are configured the same way. This was the case for mine. My top oven was configured the “dominos” way and my bottom oven was configured with factory defaults. This also lead to problems and confusion during cleanings. When fingers would get improperly swapped.

Last but not least, I literally fixed this issue last night, my blanks were in backwards. Looking through the window its hard to see, but the blanks are beveled so that they fit snugly together and are also shaped to fit the track. If you have them in backwards, upside down, etc. you will have air gaps. We figured this out about a week ago and then fixed it last night. It’s like I have a brand new oven.