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Mistake postcards

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Does anyone know what company sells “OOPS” postcards. You know… the cards you can send to a customer if their order was late or there was a mistake on it? A few years ago I saw them offered, but can’t find them anywhere.
Quite a few years back I was an insurance adjuster…One day I get this call from a laywer asking me if I had kids and could do a job that night…The local elementary school was showing 101 Dalmations…Apparently they had rented a copy at the local video store and were showing it without the right kind of licence…I had to go watch what was going on and provide a report…Fortunately for the school the matter ended with a “cease and desist” letter…A few months later was sent to take a photo of a cabinet maker’s sign that had 1/2 a mickey on it…RCS…
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I actually Purchased this from the disney store, in a clip art program and it says “spruce up your art work with our colorful graphics”
that to me says 2 things
I paid for it
and THEY suggest using it
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It is pretty typical for collections of licenced art such as Disney to prohibit any kind of commercial use…RCS…
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