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mixer placement

Hi All: We are about to buy a mixer for our new shop and the space in the back is tight. Ideally I want to place it parallel to a wall with the back end a couple feet from a handwashing sink (on the same wall). I wonder if this raises any red flags? There is plenty of room to pass by the mixer. Thanks. Walter
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I see mixers placed like that all the time, but just a cautionary note, be sure to check with your health department to see if they require your mixer to be set back from the wall, probably not, but better to ask now than to have to move it later. Also, if there are any concerns about the electrical plug and being close to water, see if they will let you use a drop-plug from the ceiling, they are more convenient than a wall receptacle and to a great extent, safer too.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom: Thanks for the response. Having never owned a shop before is a lot different than working in them because everything is set up already. All the water/electric lines come down from the ceiling so you idea is a great one. We will be making the big purchases this week for a walk in, mixer, proofer, and also for all the small stuff. It has been a wonderful journey so far and people keep stopping in and asking about my window “art”. Most places put up butcher paper when setting up a shop but I feel it more powerful to share the story and let the public watch it come together. Today Judy and I spent the afternoon measuring as to where everything will go. It all magically fit as to my sketch and even scrubbing the old oven hood vents in the shop was fun. This whole thing has been magical and I can’t wait to start making pizzas and being reunited with working with people with disabilities. Walter Tom:
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