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MMPS360 - Controller display "N1RNG"?


New member
So I had a hicup with the top MMPS360 last week not wanting to heat past 200f but then went back to normal after shutting it down and restarting it. OK

NOW out of no where the bottom oven, we turn it on and we’re getting the 375f display (which is normal) but now it flashes “N1RNG”… the fan will continue to run but will not turn on the gas. I hit the display button to see what temp it’s actually at and it says 909f when it’s not even hot! I try turning all off, nope, does not want to shut down. I pull the breaker, wait 5 minutes (it’s a computer right?) then turn the breaker back on, it’s off and the fans not running anymore. For the hell of it I turn the oven back on to see if it reset itself… nope, back to the no gas and fan and controller not wanting to turn off while flashing N1RNG.


Thanks again all!
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So this is telling you that input 1 is out of range

Meaning your oven over heated or thinks it over heater. Could be a thermocoupler or you have a bad honeywell controller temperature display. They are 500 bucks from chuck it

Leaning towards the controller. Normally a bad thermocoupler will make the display jump around randomly very quickly

A quick test would be to swap displays from top and bottom ovens before you open see if the issue moves to the top oven

That would be your quickest weekend solution
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That would explain why it’s reading 909f right when I’m turning the thing on. Wtf every week it’s something new.

I’ll swap controllers early tomorrow morning. And report back… In the mean time, where is the thermocouple located and is there a way to test it if the issue does not follow the controller?

Thanks again!
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Thermocoupler are in the back of the oven. Some have 2. You could undo 1 and see if it fixed it. If not undo that one try the other one.

If you only have 1 your Kinda screwed on that method. They are in the center of the oven with a mesh looking small brown wire going into the oven with a small screw and round little plate the size of a quarter

They are cheap and easy to replace if that’s the issue. About 30 bucks. I always keep like 3 on hand in case they go out
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Got it. I’ll report back tomorrow with the findings. You don’t by chance have the manual for the controller? When I bought these ovens the installer just said they were all set and I shouldn’t have to bother with them… But I have no idea what any error codes or anything is.

Thanks again!
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If it’s saying 909, I’d lean towards the probe and the controller is doing what it’s supposed to as 909 is most likely above what the controller is programmed to expect… If you keep hitting the live temp button. Does it stay constant at 909? Have you tried wiggling the probe wire and see how it reacts?
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You guys are life savers… the first thing I did this morning was trace down the thermocoupler line, boom there it is coming through the grommet in the back of the oven, wires were frayed at the grommet and fell apart when i touched them. I cut and re-soldered the lines, and now it works like a charm!

Is Cyb-tec where you get your thermocouplers from as well? I’ll be changing this one out asap but it’s working for now 🙂

Thank again! Much appreciated!
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