Monster Magnets


New member
Anyone try this company? Thinking of doing some advertising with them, just need some info first
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I looked into them awhile back, but I really don’t like the templates they use. One of my competitors was using them and someone door hung our house with one a few months after we bought our shop. I hung it on our fridge (that we put very little stuff on) to see how fast my wife would notice and what she thought. A week later I finally asked her about it and she said she hadn’t even noticed it. I like the idea, but I don’t think MM stuff stands out very well.
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I prefer to monstermagnet. The prices are better and you get custom work as opposed to just adding your logo and specials to a template. I was looking to do a 30,000 piece mailing with monstermagnet a couple years ago and it was still not competitive to get a custom piece. I believe the extra charge for using a second color in my logo was quite significant and why I ultimately opted to use magpac for this mailing.
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I have used magpac for well over 10 years. I have only have great things to say. Good artwork, fast, friendly and competitive prices.

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