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Monthly Promotions

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Working on my “plan” for 2007.

Here are my ideas for monthly promotions so far, any other ideas?

January- Super Bowl
February- Valentine’s Day
March- St. Patrick’s Day
April- ?
May- Memorial Day/Graduation Catering
June- Vacation Giveaway?
July- 4th/Christmas in July?
August- Back to School
September- ?
October- Our Anniversary/Trick or Treat
November- Thanksgiving
December- Christmas

I’m also planning on Money Mailer 4-6 times throughout the year. I’ll also continue with new movers & birthdays.
 What a coincidence.  I'm racking my brain over here, too... trying to figure out how to get the most out of my advertising budget for 2007.  I know... I'm such a procrastinator.  I should've had this crap done a month ago.
I’ll keep you posted when I get my stuff together over here. I’ve got a lot of ideas but my dilema is if I wanted to do everything I’d have to budget about $4k/month for advertising… not happenin’. So, once I get everything narrowed down to the point where I’m getting the biggest bang for the buck I’ll have my 2007 marketing plan available for anybody that wants it. -J_r0kk
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It takes money to make money. I easily spend $5K per month but that brings in $120K per month in sales. Be aggressive and when you find something that works don’t quit it.
Working on my “plan” for 2007.

Here are my ideas for monthly promotions so far, any other ideas?

January- Super Bowl
The Super Bowl is Feb 4 (if memory serves) in 2007. It took me by surprise (but I also don’t watch football), so thought you may not be aware of it being late this year.
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We will definetly be planning something for the Super Bowl. In years past working for different pizza places, the Super Bowl has been nothing more than a Super Bust. Last year I worked in a pizza shop in Pittsburgh. We thought we would get slammed with the Steelers in the SB. What happened was the same thing that happened the two previous SBs in the same store… average sales.

I guess everyone decided to cook and make their halupki and stuffed cabbage rather than order pizza. The store I worked in was one of 31 other corporate stores and NONE of them saw any kind of impact.

So now that I own my own shop I know not to take the Super Bowl for granted and expect it to drive our sales on its own.

Anyone have any successful Super Bowl specials/promotions in the past ?
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Maybe something to do with April fools day to help fill in another month?
haha yea you could run 3 pies for the price of 1… then when they come in say APRIL FOOLS your getting charged for all 3 … jk jk

I am opening up soon and plan on doin a pie of the week special … good way to test out new pies on customers at a discount price. maybe do a new pie once a week for a motnh see how the customers respond, its a great way to expand your line
Maybe something to do with April fools day to help fill in another month?
For what it’s worth, my off the cuff idea is “This year the joke’s on us with xx(offer)xx for only $xxxx(price).”
September is the start of the NFL. They always make the first week a big thing. Maybe you can tie into that somehow.

I think most kids start school in September as well.
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In the mid 90’s I featured a 16" sausage or pepperoni pizza for only $4.99 on SuperBowl Sunday man did I get my butt kicked. I’ll never do that again.
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In the mid 90’s I featured a 16" sausage or pepperoni pizza for only $4.99 on SuperBowl Sunday man did I get my butt kicked. I’ll never do that again.
So… what would you do this Super Bowl ? I’m dying for some ideas that will ensure a busy Super Bowl this year.
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In the mid 90’s I featured a 16" sausage or pepperoni pizza for only $4.99 on SuperBowl Sunday man did I get my butt kicked. I’ll never do that again.
So… what would you do this Super Bowl ? I’m dying for some ideas that will ensure a busy Super Bowl this year.
im not sure if it was pizza today or PMQ but one featured an ad for a football shaped pan… those will definately sell… you could probably get some business through some bars with those pizzas!!
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I’m still working on my marketing plan but saw something that intrigued me…
In the mid 90’s I featured a 16" sausage or pepperoni pizza for only $4.99 on SuperBowl Sunday man did I get my butt kicked. I’ll never do that again.
Maybe not 16", but a 14". Maybe not $4.99, but $5.99. By my calculations that’s a 35% food cost. To market the “Superbowl Sunday Pizza Bash”, how about a newspaper wrap on Feb. 4th. Back it up with banners out front that say (generically, to use again) “TODAY ONLY!”. For all you delivery guys, how about a 2 fer 12. It’s the same food cost and you throw your delivery fee ontop of it. Advertise that in your newspaper wrap as well.

Make it festive and one day only. Think you can make a record day out of it? -J_r0kk
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I’m still working on my marketing plan but saw something that intrigued me…
In the mid 90’s I featured a 16" sausage or pepperoni pizza for only $4.99 on SuperBowl Sunday man did I get my butt kicked. I’ll never do that again.
Maybe not 16", but a 14". Maybe not $4.99, but $5.99. By my calculations that’s a 35% food cost. To market the “Superbowl Sunday Pizza Bash”, how about a newspaper wrap on Feb. 4th. Back it up with banners out front that say (generically, to use again) “TODAY ONLY!”. For all you delivery guys, how about a 2 fer 12. It’s the same food cost and you throw your delivery fee ontop of it. Advertise that in your newspaper wrap as well.

Make it festive and one day only. Think you can make a record day out of it? -J_r0kk
Hell yeah ! I like the sound of it !
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Hi. I’m lazy and copy and pasted your original post and added my thoughts. Good luck with your planning.

January- Super Bowl and/or Credit card relief special (everyone is paying off Xmas during this month)
February- Valentine’s Day
March- St. Patrick’s Day - This is also READING WEEK month for University students! Big parties go on, parties that need pizza!
April- Spring Celebration! Spring cleaning! Easter specials?
May- Memorial Day/Graduation Catering
June- Vacation Giveaway? - why give away a vacation during summer? Have a picnic special!
July- 4th/Christmas in July? -love this idea!
August- Back to School
September- Carry over back to school! Do one for University/College students instead of the kiddies and families.
October- Our Anniversary/Trick or Treat
November- Thanksgiving
December- Christmas -why not try a twist… July in Christmas (give away your trip here!)
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Awesome ideas, keep em coming!

I have my local blood bank coming to chat tomorrow. They do mobile blood drives, and I was thinking about hosting one. I’m thinking free pizza after they donate, and a bounce-back free large for a later date.

I might make it a bigger thing, a costumed character, maybe have the fire co bring over one of their trucks for the kids to see, etc.