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monthly sales trends

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Last question and I will give you guys a break for a while, Promise!
In my last business the photo business sales were very seasonal. we did the majority of our business during summer months and also during the month of dec to mid jan. this 4 and a half month period made up 60% of total sales. Being new to the pizza biz are thier monthly or seasonal trends? Just trying to see what I have to look foward to or prepare for.
Eli the Pizza guy:
Last question and I will give you guys a break for a while, Promise!
In my last business the photo business sales were very seasonal. we did the majority of our business during summer months and also during the month of dec to mid jan. this 4 and a half month period made up 60% of total sales. Being new to the pizza biz are thier monthly or seasonal trends? Just trying to see what I have to look foward to or prepare for.
It really varies with the type of operation your running, your area, the type of customers that frequent your establishment… Such as we take a hit on our buffet in the winter, since a majority of the buffet customers are construction workers. When everything is frozen they don’t goto work, and when they don’t goto work they dont come to eat pizza 🙂

Our delivery is slower during the summer but our lunch buffet business is much much better. I contribute delivery being slow, to everyone going on vacation, owning lakehouses on the nearby lakes (its a big thing in this area, and we also have alot of wealthy people here). But anyways, it really just varies with your location.
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