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Mother's Day Promotion


New member
Today is Mother’s Day and we are doing a promotion as part of the MD advertising our shopping centre complex that we are in have organised.
We are giving a box of chocolates for every order of 3 or more Large or Family size pizzas. Cost to sale is around 7.5% average. Outside of the advertising we have pushed it hard on Facebook.
Mother’s day last year was our biggest Sunday ever and this year we are hoping to beat that again.
What special activity do you guys do for Mother’s day?
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Despite the advertising, flogging it on Facebook etc we had our worst Mother’s day on record.
It was absolutely dead (as were all the other food places in our complex). Maybe everyone had lunch out or entertained Mum’s at home.
Anyone for a box of chocolates ? :cry:

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That’s one thing I hate about holidays or special days like this, It’s either feast or famine. I don’t even bother to look to see what we did last year because these days never have a trend for me 😦
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Hmm… I will trade you one box of chocolates for my mother! I made the mistake of letting her tag along shopping for my 3 year old. OMG! To say the least. First, I am so sick and tired of everything having glittery or sparkling items all over them. Jean shorts can be plain…right? Must every shirt need puffy shoulders and sequins? Should you leave a trail of glitter on everyone you touch as if you just left a cheap stripclub? The good ones never wear glitter since then your wife would know…DUH! LOL! 😛 Sorry…I am ranting… but come on! Ok…so back to the swap… are they big boxes of chocolate? Does it include shipping? :?:
We had an AVON rep approach us a few weeks ago about passing out gift bags with samples, coupons, a storybook. It was perfect timing for Mother’s Day – so for the last three days we’ve been handing out these gift bags with every order. They made up 600 of these. They also distributed our coupons in their catalogues that they were handing out to their customers and small businesses in our delivery area, approximately 1500 of these. Not sure how much more business we’ll get from all of this – but was a nice little extra touch for Mother’s Day.
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