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Motivation vs. Nit picking

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Having trouble motivating employees & manager. How do you motivate?
I feel as though I am walking around with obsessive compulsive behavior nitpicking everyone and everything. From clean up to apperance. And I looking for some new approach because what I am doing is not working.

I feel as though we are all walking around in a rut. Mainly wanting them to meet the expectations that have clearly been laid out.
It’s quite easy, checklists. Every task should be on a checklist & ultimately a manager should be responsible that it is done. If it is checked as completed, and it is not (which frustrates all of us) speak with the particular manager that had responsibility. If you want your managers to lean on your employees–which is why you pay them. Get on them & they will get on your employees.
Checklists are a must. Also recognition and coaching and support. Recognize good work, even if it’s just saying “that floor looks really good! good job”
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Handy concept for motivation - “Catch them doing something right”.
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Well if this isn’t a problem that every operator hasn’t experience at least once, I don’t know what is.

It’s a challenge, no doubt. Employees generally see themselves as just “workers” and the company as just a “job”, but I will bestow a few key points I have learned over the years (for what they’re worth):
  1. Pick and choose your battles. Identify the most critical things that you need to point out or correct your employees on. This will depend on what’s important to you and what you think is most important for you shop. Maybe it’s employees over-cheesing pizzas. It’s much more important to correct this, for example, than it may to “make an issue” if an employee didn’t do such a great job wiping down the driver’s station. Tip: You will NEVER fail to find something not done the way you would do it (or want it done). Accept it, pick and choose your battles, and move on.
  2. Always offer explanation when “correcting” employees. Explain to them the WHY’s of the message. e.g. Hey Jimmy, cut back on the cheese just a tad because it’s the most expensive item we have. Here, try using the measuring cup to get a better sense of how much cheese the pizza should get."
  3. Find GOOD things the employees are doing and make good comment about it to them, especially in front of others! Even if your employee’s are just working a job and just for money, there comes a sense of personal satisfaction and pride when your “boss” is commending you in front of his peers. e.g. “Wow that’s a great looking pizza Jimmy!” or “Hey real nice job wiping everything down. The tables look so shiny now.”
  4. Avoid criticizing or correcting employees in front of others, for the exact opposite reason as #3.
  5. Please, use manners when talking to employees. Thank you! “Thank you, sir” “Please” this and “thank you” for that.
  6. Offer incentives. Obviously monetary incentives tend to be no-brainers, but try and find other incentives. Employee of the month programs? Special rewards as thank you’s, gas cards, oil changes, movie tickets, etc.
I have more but I’m out of time right now, dinner rush just began.
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Having trouble motivating employees & manager. How do you motivate?
I feel as though I am walking around with obsessive compulsive behavior nitpicking everyone and everything. From clean up to apperance. And I looking for some new approach because what I am doing is not working.

I feel as though we are all walking around in a rut. Mainly wanting them to meet the expectations that have clearly been laid out.
Your willingness to address this weakness of yours is a HUGE first step. It’s a sign that you are a very good manager, because you care.

I’d advice you to follow Red Barons advice as well as getting yourself some books or audio tapes on leadership. Being able to identify what you’re weak at is one thing. What you do to turn it into a strength is another. I use my car as a classroom 90% of the time listening to audio tapes.

BTW right now its Connections by Richard Merrill of the Covey Foundation
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