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Moved PMQ to a New Server


New member
Hello all,
As you probably noticed - the site is under construction and I have just moved everything we have accumulated through the years over to a new server. There are obvious problems that I am working on and will continue to troubleshoot this weekend so please bare with me. ^^ The Think Tank Forums are functional but the actual size dimensions will be strange for the majority of today but feel free to keep reading/posting. The end results will hopefully be faster load times. Take Care.

Mike Cockrell
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Thanks Mike.
We always appreciate your hard work and efforts to keep things free flowing here at the THINK TANK. Your job is one of those that always seems to be under appreciated, that is until something goes wrong. Then all “heck” breaks loose!
Thanks for keeping not just the T.T. so seamless, but the entire PMQ web site functioning as well as it does.
The Pizza Today Bulletin Board has been hit by the spammers pretty hard, just like the Think Tank was some time ago, and their guys are working hard to get things back to normal again. Now, if we can just find some way to identify and punish those who feel that they have to disrupt our lives and business.
Have a great day!
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks Tom,
I appreciate the feedback and really hope you will all continue to share with us and our community here because it is all of you guys/girls who make PMQ the place it is! Tom your expertise is invaluable and I hope to work with you personally in the near future to get your section cast in the light it needs to be seen in.

Thanks for your input!

Mike Cockrell

P.S. if there is anything in the site that isn’t clicking right please let me know via email/phone and I will gladly fix whatever needs to be worked on. I moved all of our databases and whatnot and sometimes (even as hard as I try not to) I might accidentally miss something.
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