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Moving Targets


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Just curious if anyone here is using them for new movers - if so what kind of response are you getting?
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As I have written before I use my own version dealing direct with the real estate agents.

We are getting around 3 - 4 per week and getting about 25% repeat - some are way out of our area and are just getting their Free Pizza, but we are retaining the ones in our area as repeat customers.

It’s a good way to fill the hole of the customers who unkown to you move our of the area.

Plus we are finding the real estate agents are also now buying from us.

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I was doing my own new movers mailings with lists purchased from It allowed me to filter out bad neighborhoods, include a magnet ect ect. If you have the time, I would do it yourself and get a 25-30% response, if you do not have the time, use moving targets and get about a 20% return. It’s definatly worth the money.
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Hello NY, I was currently using them and I stopped about 2-3 months into them.Why?Well,they actually are based in my area and I heard so much good about them so I went for it.It did work,But I was getting all my customers who were already coming in since Iv’e opened and it was going to their homes that they lived and owned for many years and being addressed to them as ‘Welcome to the neighborhood’.I called them to complain and they told me even when people get a new cell phone they’ll show up as a new move in in their system.So I was getting some new move ins plus a lot of my regulars along w/ a lot of ‘rif raf’ if you will,which I call the aptmnt. dwellers.Whom will never call again unless its for something free.On the plus side they do hit a lot of the actual new move ins and I did get some business from them,so this isn’t a bad mouth about them just my experience.Hey,givem a try it isn’t expensive at all.It is worth the shot.
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I also used to use them. I ran into the problem like goomba, where anytime someone changes cell phone # or signs up for a new utility/cable service they get logged in as a new customer. In a 4 month span one of my customers recieved a free pizza Welcome to the Neighborhood 3 times. Needless to say I don’t use them anymore.
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My never humble opinion is stay away from them, my experience with them was horrible. Their data is crap.

They advertise that they get you new movers, I questioned all the customers that brought in one of the letters as to when they moved. I was getting people that moved in over a year ago. I also got owners of party stores bringing in letters, and even a pizza place :evil:

Run far and fast. There’s better ways to get new movers, melissadata is one.
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I got their letter in the mail and thought it was something I could do myself. I used their format to fit my needs and writing personality. I have a good friend who’s a real estate agent and he gets me a new home owners list every few months. I ask for the last 2 months and a radius around my shop of 2-3 miles. Once I get them in, I keep their address on active file and sign them up for my e-mail newsletter. I then send them something every few months to keep them informed about us. Seems to work good and all I have to do is give my agent a free pizza for each list. He usually orders a few more for parties and those he pays for!

I also have flyers into a majority of the apartment complexes in my area. The manager puts a flyer and menu into each new rental package.
Hope that helps.
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i too ran for the hills from them for the above reasons. Regular customers were receiving them, people moving in a year ago, etc…

Do it yourself if you have the time. You can screen all the names before you send them… or as someone said above, contact the real estate offices and see if you can work with them.
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We’ve listened to your concerns and Moving Targets can now use your database to make sure we don’t mail to existing customers. I applaud those of you who have the time and like to do their own mailings. We are a turn-key service for people who are busy and want to have someone else do it for them. The reason we have no minimums, contracts or design fees is to make it as easy and low risk as possible to test us. Some fire us early on – but the 3,000+ businesses who use us long term do so because we work for them.
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Jay Siff:
We’ve listened to your concerns and Moving Targets can now use your database to make sure we don’t mail to existing customers. I applaud those of you who have the time and like to do their own mailings. We are a turn-key service for people who are busy and want to have someone else do it for them. The reason we have no minimums, contracts or design fees is to make it as easy and low risk as possible to test us. Some fire us early on – but the 3,000+ businesses who use us long term do so because we work for them.
Does your company also have a process in place to stop the sending of such mailings to long-term residences where they simply add a phone line or change a service of some sort? 5-year members of a community who get a “new residents” mailer do make me very hesitant to use Moving Targets. I personally cannot afford that kind of “false positives” in a new residents marketing plan. The 3,000+ long-term customers may not find it a significant issue as do I and other independent pizzerias seeking specific services directed at people moving into a community . . . rather than changing/adding a tracked service or utility.

I know it is a tricky proposition, and am inquiring if that is accomplished, a process your company is working on, or viewed as a non-issue for the services you are providing.
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We should never mail to someone who just changes a phone or other service. Several years ago the Post Office stopped allowing National Change Of Address (NCOA) data to be sold and Congress took away most credit bureau data from being sold. We then had to resort more to local phone, gas, and electric companies (along with Deed Transfers and Magazine & Catalog Subscription Changes). At first the service companies were not the best list providers but as they began to learn our needs their data became much more reliable. We do have a few distance moved screens/filters we can apply. We guarantee 95% accuracy in our data. If you want to test us we’re willing to pay for every mistake we make. We’ll reimburse you for the pizza (or other item) you give away plus refund the cost of that mailing. We simply want the gift certificate returned so we can use it to learn which of our 200+ data suppliers are having issues.
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My never humble opinion is stay away from them, my experience with them was horrible. Their data is crap.

They advertise that they get you new movers, I questioned all the customers that brought in one of the letters as to when they moved. I was getting people that moved in over a year ago. I also got owners of party stores bringing in letters, and even a pizza place :evil:

Run far and fast. There’s better ways to get new movers, melissadata is one.
      Hello Screedon,Here's the reality .....It brought you in business.Regardless of the fact that the persons lived at thier homes for a year or 50 years but that they now know of [u]you and that [u]you gave them a free pizza and they now have your menu!

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