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My 25 lb bag of flour just went from 8.10 a bag, to 16.50!!!


New member
Yea, screw flour prices

my flour just went threw the roof, i could not belive it, not 8 months ago i was paying 5.30 a bag. now its 16.50

man that blows
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Re: My 25 lb bag of flour just went from 8.10 a bag, to 16.5

My 50# Bag peaked @ $35.
Last week I paid $28, and tomorrow i will pay $25.

Everyone else seeing a drop recently?
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Re: My 25 lb bag of flour just went from 8.10 a bag, to 16.5

We’re seeing the drop, but it probably won’t go to the levels we were at 6 months ago.

Wheat is way off the highs at $9.32/bushel (for the front month), but it historically goes for between $3 and $8 per bushel.
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Re: My 25 lb bag of flour just went from 8.10 a bag, to 16.5
My 50# Bag peaked @ $35.
Last week I paid $28, and tomorrow i will pay $25.

Everyone else seeing a drop recently?
Mine peaked at 31
last week 28
this week 26
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