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My oven for sale


New member
(edited to update link to auction)

In case anyone is in the market for a large conveyor oven my Lincoln X-2 3270 is listed on Ebay. As listed in the auction, it is still operational and in place in my shop. It’ll cook over 25K in sales this week. It definatly has some dents and dings, but is only 3.5 years old and cooks well. Feel free to PM me through this site or through ebay if you have any questions. … 0254253846
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Did you sell it already? I get a screen that says the item has been removed.
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seems a but harsh forcing you sell a 3 year old oven. I can see some sense in having consistent ovens in stores but your pies aren’t going to be that inconsistent with the XLT are they?

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I agree with Wizzle, that is a big bite out of your pocket so you can keep up with the franchise “code”.

The oven in the picture looks pretty good to me as well.
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It’s not as much that they have told me to replace it or else… I have had pressure to replace it since I purchased it three years ago. Now is the right time to replace it as I have come across another great deal on an oven. I bought the X-2 for an incredible price so I have just been waiting for the right deal on a new oven to comply with the franchise docs.
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Paul - looks like were gonna pull the trigger on that college store…it has 2 MM 360 & the top one is off-line, so I’m told…

how does the blower noise/volume compare to the MM? I am spoiled by my peaceful CTX set-up

also, are there traditional “fingers” between the two belts?

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It is louder than most MM360’s, definatly something to get used to. It has fingers on the top, bottom and ones in the middle that blow both up and down, acting as bottom fingers for the top belt and top fingers for the bottom belt.
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Paul I placed a bid on your oven yesterday I just got a Email from ebay today that YOU removed the item early
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Not me that ended the listings. Heres the first message I recieved from ebay ending my first listing:
You recently listed the following auction-style listing:

200253438855 - Lincoln X-2 3270 Conveyor Pizza Oven not Middleby, Bofi

The listing was removed because it violated the eBay Search and Browse Manipulation policy. The violation occurred when you included the following information in your listing:

not Middleby

We notified members who placed bids on the item that the listing has been canceled.

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For more information on the eBay policy, please visit: … ation.html

And here’s the second message ending the second auction:
eBay sent this message to paul gillespie (paul7979).
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MC018 eBay Listing Removed: Inappropriate Seller Terms ( 236615136)
Dear paul7979([email protected]),

You recently listed the following auction-style listing:

200254253846 - Lincoln Impinger X-2 3270 Conveyor Pizza Oven

The listing was removed because it violated the eBay Inappropriate Seller Terms policy. The violation occurred when you included the following information in your listing:

in description: I have the oven advertised elsewhere so bid early.

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At this point in time, I think ebay can kiss my a$$ as they have ruined any chance I have of getting a decent price for my oven. I’ll have to put more thought into how to market it. Sorry for the inconvienance
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Yeah, eBay is like a possessive girlfriend. You best not be getting it elsewhere or even THINKING about another buyer.
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