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my pizza promo


Staff member
any one use these guys, i have about 500 a month in my marketing budget i read somewhere the will print and hold and mail each month…anyone?
does taradel do this as well?
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i am working with CFM Concepts now and have used them in the past…highly recommend and I think you can get free shipping right now
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I am just curious what kind of marketing budget most folks have…My research has lead me to believe 4% to 7% of sales is the typical range…With the low end being larger chains who are able to share advertising in some markets and buy in volume…Smaller operations do not get that economy of scale so they have to spend more to just keep up…
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Hello Royster… In my 25 years in the industry I have always wanted to know this: Is your 4%-7% based on GROSS or NET sales?


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Word of caution with Taradel. I am currently waiting on their 3rd party mailing house company to send me my menus. I’ve been waiting since Dec 23rd. i recieved my inhouse menus very quickly.
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4% to 7% of gross sales…

I do business with a number of chain stores that tell me they spend 2% to 3% on local advertising as well as what they contribute to corporate advertising…
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Rockstar pizza:
any one use these guys, i have about 500 a month in my marketing budget i read somewhere the will print and hold and mail each month…anyone?
does taradel do this as well
Yes, Taradel will print and hold. I had good luck using them on a print run of 15k menus that were then mailed out over a 3 month period of time. You should only have to pay for the printing and mail prep up front and then pay the postage as you make each drop.
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so my thought is this, I should be able to send out 1000 fliers each month for 500.00…roughly 10cents to print and 40cents for postage and handling (mailhouse) I would be sending out 8.5 by 11 menus with coupons…if the offers are right I can expect about 5 percent return or 50 orders. average ticket being 20.00 for a total of 1000.00 minus 500 for menu and another 300 for food leaving 200 profit :oops: :shock:
that being said I need to increase my average ticket and return cause thats a lot of work for 200.00
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Hi Rockstar,

If you ever need help with Menu Mailers I’m available. My average pizza customer receives a 10%-30% increase in sales with their first direct mail campaign of 10,000 or more pieces (I have many references if you’d like to call around). Our design services combined with your knowledge and my marketing experience can make your Menu Mailers a very safe investment.

With direct mail, it’s all about offers and a strong call-to-action. It’s not just a menu that customers need to receive - they need a reason to pick up the phone and call you. I can help you do this and I’ll even personally review your design and lend you my recommendations (I’ve managed direct mail campaigns for dozens of pizza shops and MILLIONS of total pieces). I hope you will give it a shot. You need a slightly bigger marketing budget to do things right and I will be glad to make a pay-as-you-go plan for you.

Here’s the breakdown:

10,000 Full Size 11x17 Glossy Menus (Full Color)
Designed, Printed, Folded - Approx $0.10-$0.15 each

2 or 3-Mile Store Radius Mailing List + Inkjetting + Tabbing + Postage
Approx $0.29 each (through Taradel direct mail program)

TOTAL COST: $0.39 per home design, printed, mailed.
…that’s less than the cost of a stamp to mail the real thing (11x17 Menu Mailer w/ Coupon Fold). Hope this helps!

P.S. I also have a truck drive your menus to your local Post Office for mailing! That way, they mail in great condition from your local area USPS!
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