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nak ed pizza


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If anyone isn’t currently familiar with this company, you should take minute to check them out. Just now starting to franchise, with big $$ behind them like the Kraft family (own New England Patriots) and Mark Cuban.

Anyway, there “healthy” pizza montra focuses on probiotics. I’ve done some research on the interweb, but experts it appears the jury is still out on the possible benefits vs. dangers.

Does anyone have any knowledge of this topic?
Should we be considering this as a trend we should pay attention to?

bottom line…if these guys come in to your market…they have the $$$ to market and make all other pizzas appear unhealthy.
Should we be pro-active?
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The pizza business is highly competitive. I wouldn’t bet a dime on them vs. the big 4. People with extra money decide their choices. Everyone else picks the cost effective choice. They wouldn’t last a quarter in my neighborhood.
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I think it’s well known that pizza isn’t a “healthy” food source. But, neither is any fast food option and probably 90% of every business that cooks your food for you. Like all things, moderation is key. If someone wants to come into my market and sell a “healthy pizza”, I have a very simple response for that. “Real pizza has 100% real cheese, dough and meat and veggies if you want them”. That’s not a “healthy” combination, but I work hard to make sure I cook you a pie with the best ingredients I can find.
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Don’t worry guys. My shop is about 3 miles down the street from their home base(the only unit they had until the massive expansion that is taking place) No body I know eats there. Ive tried it and it is some of the worst pizza I have ever had. Nobody in the area even considers them competition. Unless you are in the biz of selling healthy pizza don’t even give them an after thought. They are the result of the internet hype machine, and once the normal pizza eating population(non vegans and such) tries it they dont go back. Just shows us all how important marketing is in building a successful brand.
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Here’s a link to a publicity stunt where one of the owners challenges Papa John Schnatter to a game of basketball while betting his $13K Smart car for PJ’s much more valuable Camaro. I figure if this is newsworthy, if they come to my town, I should challenge them a game of darts while putting up a 1996 Kia Sephia for their Smart Car. If they want to choose the game and get ten to one odds against PJ’s why shouldn’t I offer them the same? … -Schnatter
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McDonald’s has been trying to offer healthy choices for years now, in response to alleged consumer demand. Their “healthy” products never take off. Ask your local McDonald’s their ratio of hamburger sales to grilled chicken.

I eat extremely healthy 95% of the time, but if I want a burger I am not going to seek out a healthy option. Same with pizza, or Mexican food or anything else for that matter.

Everybody already knows that pizza isn’t exactly a healthy option in most forms but they buy it because they like it.
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Thanks for the responses everyone. I think maybe I was a victim of their own marketing.

Grottolee…I will sleep better tonight thanks to you, and a couple light beers. thanks.
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Here’s a link to a publicity stunt where one of the owners challenges Papa John Schnatter to a game of basketball while betting his $13K Smart car for PJ’s much more valuable Camaro.
I doubt his Camaro is worth that much more. As far as great muscle cars go, the 70s Camaros are a lOT less collectible than the 67-69 Camaro, and the 76 Trans Am (in black, thanks to Smokey and the Bandit). The mid-70s Camaros are really the poor man’s classic car. The early 70s GM products were the Chevelles from a classic standpoint.

Schnatter’s car is probably extremely nice, but I’ll bet he has more “invested” in it than he could sell it for.

However, the symbolism of smart car vs gas guzzler is certainly a good marketing angle considering their niche market.

The downfall of healthy pizza is that it’s healthy. Pizza isn’t supposed to be healthy. If healthy were so important, one of the big burger joints would have come out with oven fries made from carrot sticks.
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If healthy were so important, one of the big burger joints would have come out with oven fries made from carrot sticks.
Or even sweet potatoes! Sweet potato fries are delicious and made from one of the most healthy foods on Earth - and there still isn’t a market for them.
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