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NAPICS 2014 ?


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How is NAPICS? I’ve been to the Pizza Expo 3 times and am considering going to NAPICS this year. Is it worth the 8 hour drive each way?
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It’s quite a bit smaller and there’s less to do outside the show. If you’re competing in both days of the Pizza Pizzazz or checking out a vendor before a major purchase, then it could be worth 16 hours of driving.
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We went the year we opened and loved it, but I’ve never been to Vegas so can’t compare. What I found of most value was the quality of the small sessions and for me anyway, the opportunity to camp out in the training area manned by “Doc” Tom and Jeff and suck up a TON of pizza craft knowledge over 2 days. I personally like the smaller trade shows, all the major and a good amount of regional players were there but it seemed like they have time, and at least are good about talking to you about everything you need answers to.
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I am considering competing in the Pizza Pizzaz contest, but I’ve heard there is a bias to Ohio pizzerias. Anyone know if there is any truth to that?
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registered today. . . .need a vacation. . . .
Besides what Deconvolker mentioned, is there anything that I don’t want to miss. A must see or a seminar you’d be sorry you didn’t see?
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I might add…we stayed at the Red Roof Inn, a block from the Civic Center, super prices and absolutely the best RRI I’ve ever seen, don’t be afraid of it.
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I would doubt there is an Ohio bias as much at there is simply more people from Ohio competing. Also, don’t forget about the American Pizza Championship at NAPICS. First place wins a free trip to Italy with the U.S. Pizza Team.
My 1st ever competition is in the books. I think the most valuable thing I received from the show came during the down time waiting to compete or hear the winners announced. At past shows in Vegas, I didn’t interact much with other operators, everyone was busy listening to seminars or walking the show floor, at NAPICS I had time to sit and converse with other operators and share war stories and ideas. I met alot of cool people who gave me inspiration to make some changes to my operation. I would have liked the show floor to have more vendors though. At times I questioned wether it was worth the 8 hour drive, but on the way back I realized the value I received just hanging out and talking shop with other independents was the most valuable part of the two days.
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I realized the value I received just hanging out and talking shop with other independents was the most valuable part of the two days.
This is exactly why there is going to be a Think Tank Reception in Las Vegas.
Details to follow
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