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If anybody is going to be at the NAPICS Show this coming weekend, stop by the Test Kitchen area, to visit with Jeff Zeak (The Dough Practitioner) and me, or just to say “hello”. We’ve also got some informative presentations planned, so be sure to check the schedule.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I’ll “second” that from Tom…if you’ve never been to a NAPICS show it’s a fantastic sized show to actually have some face time with the national level folks. We went two years ago and spent near the whole time in the booth picking Tom and Jeff’s brains.
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The wife and I just finished registering for the show. Gonna hit the early bird “So you think you want to open a pizzeria” workshop.

We purchased Rockstar Ron’s 2nd pizzeria in Plainfield last August. We’re having a blast so far, with the entire family working there. Ron’s been a ton of help. I guess he wants to see his ugly step-child-shop turn out ok! :lol:
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I’m packing the cooler and heading out in a bit… just under a 4 hours drive. I think I’ll hit the Flat Iron Grill tonight next to the Red Roof Inn where I’m staying.

I’ll be the one at the bar cheering for the Hoosiers vs. Northwestern if I can convince the bartender to put on the game!
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The Tax Man says I can do 2 a year but the bank account says I can do one. Sorry but Vegas will win that fight every time :lol:
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Fun Fact: The 1st Red Roof Inn was opened in Columbus, OH in 1973. I learned this when logging into their wifi. Also, this netbook likes to click on random links on it’s own.

Although I’m in Big Ten country, none of the bars around here had (or were willing to admit to having) the Big Ten Network. I hit like 6 and missed the whole 1st half before I found one that would put the game on. Also, HOLY COW DOES MY HEAD HURT THIS MORNING! Shifting from beer to gin is never a good idea.

And while we’re making shameless plugs, Brothers Bar has a great grilled-fish sandwich. Huge. I had to cut the thing in half and eat it like a little kid. Although, the alcohol may have played a small part in my eating difficulties…
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brad randall:
Fun Fact: The 1st Red Roof Inn was opened in Columbus, OH in 1973. I learned this when logging into their wifi. Also, this netbook likes to click on random links on it’s own.

Although I’m in Big Ten country, none of the bars around here had (or were willing to admit to having) the Big Ten Network. I hit like 6 and missed the whole 1st half before I found one that would put the game on. Also, HOLY COW DOES MY HEAD HURT THIS MORNING! Shifting from beer to gin is never a good idea.

And while we’re making shameless plugs, Brothers Bar has a great grilled-fish sandwich. Huge. I had to cut the thing in half and eat it like a little kid. Although, the alcohol may have played a small part in my eating difficulties…
My wife and I got back from NAPICS Monday evening. It was our first big pizza show, and it was way better than I thougt it would be.

We went to Big Dave’s early bird seminar, and got to talk to him later at length. He’s a genuine nice guy. He saw Alice, and waved us over to a table near the test kitchen. He took time out of his schedule to sit down and listen to my wife batter him with questions in between bites of his sandwich. Gave us a few pointers on our small, fledging shop too.

I’m not too happy I didn’t get to Vegas this year, but I’m glad we went to NAPICS.
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