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Nat'l Mom & Pop Business Owners Day


New member
Hi everyone! I found out that March 29th is Nat’l Mom & Pop Business Owners Day! I didn’t know we had one! Anyway, I’m going to do a promotion for it - any M/P business owner (with card) get’s a 10% discount then their card is entered into a drawing for a free pizza. What do you think? Does anyone else do something for this obscure “holiday”? Thanks!
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Hmm…Another “great” day thought up by someone trying to sell advertising…I bet this was a conspiracy by a group of newspapers…Just like Valentines Day was the brainchild of the greeting card industry…lol…

But best take advantage of it anyway you can…

PS…Maybe we need a national “Get Your Fridge Magnet” day…lol…
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