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Neapolitan pizza base


New member
Are we allowed to call our pizza base Neapolitan
Or would we have to combine it with any other words like (thin crust Neapolitan)
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I think you will find it is a protected name under the Italian trade commerce that was introduce a few years ago. To name it this you have to have the products from Italy that were grown in certain regions etc.
I know the Italians are fiercely protective of their iconic names and have prosecuted many over this issue.
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I thought so, I might just use thin and crispy, or thin and crispy neapolitan style, to describe my pizza base, what do you think guys
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Doesn’t whatever trademark or patent protection they have extend only to the VPN designation? (I think those are the right letters).
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I too think we’re talking about the VPN designation…but yield to those much wiser than I. Besides…would one care if it’s an ITALIAN regulation? That’s for those in Italy to be bothered with yes?
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