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Need a statistic. Percent of pizzerias that throw dough.

I’m presenting a demonstration speech for public speaking class and need a statistic. I feel like this will be the best one for my speech. I work at a locally owned pizzeria in Chattanooga, TN, and we throw out our dough.
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As do we. I love tossing pizza, and the customers really appreciate being able to watch. Does anyone know a rough statistic on the percent of places that actually throw dough?
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We toss…even designed our kitchen with a large window into the Pub room so no one missed it. We open by hand, then give it a few spins, it does serve to open it that final little bit but it’s more for the showmanship.
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We throw the dough if someones in the store but we are very much delivery store. So we keep it to a minimum to reduce the amount of flour everywhere. I don’t think it makes that mush difference to the taste, if I had more in store custom or dine in I would throw though.
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We hand toss our dough - we use a sheeter to stretch it out, then it does not take too much “tossing” to make it fit the pan, giving a more consistent product.
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nope, never have, never will.
Me too!
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We use a sheeter and then dock roll but if it is a little small or won’t pull to the size throw the dough to get it out to size.

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We sheet our thin (cracker) crust b/c it would be impossible to hand toss a 36% hydrated dough!
I think this really depends on the style of pizza served. We make NY pizzas on Wednesday nights as a special and have finally gotten proficient enough to hand toss. The quality difference is striking. When sheeted, it remains flat and thin with no bubbles. The outer crust is created by folding over and looks kind of silly. When hand tossed, the bottom crust gets crispier and the dough rises and bubbles in the middle substantially. The outer crust looks more natural and authentic. It’s a huge difference!

I suspect the choice very much depends on the type of pizzas you are making. No self-respecting NY style pizzeria would use a sheeter, but the sheeter works very well for some other traditional styles of pizza.

Anyone disagree?
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I think this question can be confusing. When I think of a pizza shop that throws their dough I imagine a ball getting hand formed into a circle and then thrown into the pies size. No rollers, sheeters, dockers, etc… It seems like 75-80% roll or sheet it and then throw or stretch too size. The number that the OP is looking for is a lot less than what is being talked about. Just my thoughts. To the OP…what exactly are you asking? This could really change the answer for what you have asked. :?:

many experts, including Tom, recommend passing your dough ball through a sheeter set at about twice your desired final thickness. This makes the process faster and does not have a significant impact on the end products texture. We do not have a sheeter, but when the dough is a little uncooperative we roll it out a little with a plastic gear type dough docker before tossing to loosen it up a little. It is still tossed with either spinning or slapping or a combo depending on who has the dough table. I have enough skill and flair at spinning dough to be laughed out of any potential competition bid, but the customers still seem to be impressed. 😉

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I hear ya Rick. I have talked to Tom about this subject and read many times that the process of running it in the roller or sheeter 1-2 times to get a general shape and then finish by hand does not have an adverse effect on the dough. I am still thinking that the OP might be looking for a stat on 100% non-mechanical throwing of the dough. I am probably reading into it too much. :roll:
New Haven wise…no one.

I would guess that if the kitchen isn’t a display kitchen, hardly any…with any regularity.
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