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Need Compact Deck Oven


New member
Well, I am opening my first restaurant and found out today that my idea of having an Edge 30 Double and new hood will cost way more than I expected. Now I am stuck trying to find room under an existing hood for a pizza oven. I am shifting back to having a deck oven. I only cook 12" pizzas. I am hoping there is a good oven that is only 4 feet wide? Is a Bakers Pride 252 my best bet or even a good choice? Please help!

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Im not sure if there is an ok compact conveyor that is smaller than 48" or so. I need something.
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I haven’t used deck ovens for years but I do know there are some Lincoln Conveyor ovens that fit your bill. Try the Lincoln 1116 or 1132
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Im not sure if there is an ok compact conveyor that is smaller than 48" or so. I need something.
Existing hood most likely will not be compliant for a conveyor oven. You’re likely stuck with a deck oven at this time. Just didn’t want you to waste anymore time and give you a heads up. Baker’s Pride is the way to go so you’re on the right track. Message George Mills if you need any specific questions answered. He’s always a big help
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Existing hood most likely will not be compliant for a conveyor oven. You’re likely stuck with a deck oven at this time. Just didn’t want you to waste anymore time and give you a heads up. Baker’s Pride is the way to go so you’re on the right track. Message George Mills if you need any specific questions answered. He’s always a big help
So, since last night posting this I figured I could still use the Edge 30 under the existing hood. It is type 1 with Ansul already. Just hoping I can extend it two feet. Someone told me that you can go up to 16ft with only one flue. Not sure but I really want to use an Edge 30 for production.
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Joe: I saw your photo and was suprised to find a fellow pizza maker who does the slope. I have been at it 35 years and was in Sonoma County for many of them flying the coast and inland slopes with h/l, 60" rockets, 3 meter, and 1/4 scale multiplex ASH 26. I am moving to Reno to open a NY style shop with a social cause and the slopes, winds there look deadly good. I grew up making pizza in the NYC metro area and look forward to bringing it west. I wish you luck on your shop and maybe we will fly together someday! Walter
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Joe: I saw your photo and was suprised to find a fellow pizza maker who does the slope. I have been at it 35 years and was in Sonoma County for many of them flying the coast and inland slopes with h/l, 60" rockets, 3 meter, and 1/4 scale multiplex ASH 26. I am moving to Reno to open a NY style shop with a social cause and the slopes, winds there look deadly good. I grew up making pizza in the NYC metro area and look forward to bringing it west. I wish you luck on your shop and maybe we will fly together someday! Walter
Thanks Walter. I know a sloper or two from Reno. I have slope friends all over the world. Check out this video of me flying one of my creations 483mph!

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Joe: I never did DS and never been near those speeds. I mainly flew on the Lichau inland slope in Sonoma county that was home to Mark Allen, Ron Van (falcon 880, spectrum, and others), Darryl Perkins, and lots of other pioneers of sloping. My planes are older (hobby hawk, falcon 880, and such era planes). I never got into the competition stuff and haven’t flown more than a few times in 8 years living here in OH. The best slope within hundreds of miles is 100 feet high and a couple hundred yards wide and so turbulent it is no fun to fly. I would love to see some DS someday. Walter
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You will soon because the sloper I know in Reno will probably link up with you. He flies where the video was shot. Weldon CA. I know Daryl Perkins pretty well. We have lots of common friends.
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